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  • Cancer

    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and caregivers in their journey  

  • Sudhir who has multiple myeloma running in an open park
    I Don’t Agonize About My Multiple Myeloma
    Sudhir Salian, 56, now living with multiple myeloma for 5 years, had a relapse in October 2021 and is now preparing for a stem cell transplant. Read how he strongly believes in the power of positive thinking, exercise and discipline to stay buoyant for tomorrow. It was the summer of 2017. I had just turned 51. One morning when I stepped out for my usual run, I began feeling exceptionally tired and getting out of breath. I had to stop half way. I was wondering what it was. I had been travelling…
  • The author, a woman in a red and yellow sari and a yellow blouse, holding birds
    मैंने अपनी आवाज पैसिव स्मोकिंग (निष्क्रिय धूम्रपान) के कारण खो दी
    धूम्रपान न करने वाली 72 वर्षीया नलिनी सत्यनारायण को 10 साल पहले उनके घर में सेकेंड हैंड धुएं के संपर्क में आने के कारण गले (वॉयस बॉक्स) के कैंसर का निदान मिला। आज, उत्तरजीवी के रूप में, वे एक ऊर्जावान तंबाकू नियंत्रण योद्धा बन गई हैं और ऐसे लोगों को परामर्श देती हैं जिन्होंने स्वरयंत्र (लैरिन्क्स) की सर्जरी करवाई है जिसमें उनका वॉयस बॉक्स हटाया गया है - वे उन्हें कृत्रिम वॉयस बॉक्स से बात करना सिखाती हैं। आपने कब और कैसे अपने गले की समस्या को पहचाना? जनवरी 2010 की बात है। मुझे लगा कि मेरा गला…
  • Should Time Toxicity Be A Factor In Informed Decision Making?
    Patients with advanced cancers often contemplate the time burden of their cancer care. What does this exactly entail? Dr Arjun Gupta, an Oncologist and Researcher, recently wrote a paper about Time Toxicity for Cancer patients. He helps us understand this new concept and how it can affect quality of life for patients. What is ‘’time toxicity’’? We have seen tremendous progress in oncology in the past few decades. Yet, for advanced solid cancers, average survival benefits offered by new…
  • Webinar: Living Smartly After Head and Neck Cancer
    Head and Neck Cancer survivors often have a multitude of issues even after the treatment of cancer is over and they are in remission.  We speak with Mr. Sunil Issar on dealing with facial disfigurement and strict dietary restrictions, on giving up smoking and getting back to work.  Just before his landmark 40th birthday, Mr. Sunil Issar was diagnosed with stage-3 CA Buccal Mucosa or Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a type of mouth cancer. Mr Sunil Issar speaks with Aparna Mittal,…
  • मुंह के कैंसर के कारण मैं अब ठोस भोजन चबाने का आनंद भी नहीं ले सकता
    लगभग 20 वर्षों तक अवनींद्र मान को पान मसाला/गुटका तंबाकू की लत लगी रही थी, पर फिर उन्हें बड़ा झटका लगा - उन्हें मुंह का कैंसर हो गया और उनके बाएं जबड़े को हटाना पड़ा। आज,  एक उत्तरजीवी के रूप में, वे मुंह के कैंसर के जोखिम के लिए जागरूकता फैलाने के लिए और लोगों की जान बचाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। मुझे 2012 में 44 साल की उम्र में मुंह के कैंसर का निदान मिला था मुंह के कैंसर के शुरुआती लक्षण मेरा शुरुआती लक्षण था मुंह में मामूली सी परेशानी। जलन होती थी और मुझे अपना मुँह पूरी तरह से चौड़ा करके…
  • Webinar: Ovarian Cancer Awareness and Management
    This webinar is not just for Ovarian Cancer survivors but also for survivors of breast cancer, uterine cancer, colorectal cancer and all women at risk of Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian Cancer is a difficult to diagnose cancer. So it is very important for us to be aware of the surprising symptoms of Ovarian cancer. We must also know the factors that increase risk. Additionally, in COVID times, it is important to understand how to continue treatment and when you should vaccinate. We bring together a…
  • Coping with Colon Cancer with some Filmi Tadka - Webinar VIDEO
    Mr Ramendra Kumar will speak with Aparna Mittal, founder PatientsEngage on his tryst with Colon cancer, his coping strategies for dealing with the challenges of treatment and how his love for films helps keep the spirits up. Mr. Ramendra Kumar, a motivational speaker and award winning author was diagnosed with Colon cancer in Nov 2021. Since then he has been coping with the challenges of colon cancer and the treatment.   Read about Ramendra Kumar Part 1 and Part 2 or watch the video…
  • A panel discussion on Kidney Cancer with the profile pictures of the panelists
    Demystifying Kidney Cancer : Key Webinar takeaways
    Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of adult kidney cancer, making up about 85% of diagnoses. And yet it is rarely talked about.  Kidney Cancer is also an area which has seen significant progress in treatment options. Key takeaways from the webinar are given below.  An expert panel talked about kidney cancer and answered questions and concerns that patients have. The panelists are Dr. KL Jayakumar, MD Radiation Oncology. Professor and HOD, Sreemookambika Cancer center,…
  • Mukta holding a bouquet of white flowers and a pink ribbon as a design element for breast cancer
    From Being A Caregiver To A Breast Cancer Patient
    Mukta Bhonsule, 55 was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer 9 years ago in Mumbai. She shares her journey with breast cancer, the survivorship issues she deals with and the challenges of balancing this as a caregiver of a COPD patient. I was diagnosed with Grade 3 Stage 2A Breast Cancer(HER 2+) in May 2013. What were your early symptoms. I was on a holiday in Goa and it was very hot there. When I got back, I had itching in my breast which I thought was due to heat and sweat. I spoke to my…
  • Webinar: Towards Patient Centred Access To Quality Cancer Care - Challenges
    PatientsEngage and EHA Consortium invite you to an interactive webinar series on Patient Centred Access to Quality Cancer Care. In the first of the series aligned to the UICC theme of "Close the Care Gap", we are very privileged to have an esteemed and diverse panel who will highlight the challenges faced in equitable access to quality cancer care and identify the areas where we still need to make progress. The panelists are Dr. CS Pramesh, Director Tata Memorial Hospital; Convener National…
Found this interesting article. What are your thoughts on it?
Such an inspiring tale of a young person…
A friend of mine is undergoing chemotherapy and is constantly battling mouth ulcers. What can he do about it ?
How do I choose my treatment option for cancer ? What should I be asking my oncologist ?
Hi everyone, It's a pleasure to be here. On one hand, cancers are increasing by leaps and bounds. Except for few cancers, most are rising rapidly. This is the bad news. But the good news is that, our understanding and research in cancer has…
I came across this on FaceBook. How much of this information is correct?    
Your role as the cancer patient's relative or friend

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  • Cancer
    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and…
  • Cancer
    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and…
  • Care For Rare Disease Circle
    A rare disease is any disease that affects a small percentage of the population. Most rare diseases are genetic and are…