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  • Webinar announcement for Prevention and management for Diabetic Kidney Disease
    WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Diabetic Kidney Disease: Prevention and Management
    Upto 40% of persons with diabetes develop Kidney Disease. Join us as we speak to an Endocrinologists and Nephrologists in this 3 part series on Diabetic Kidney Disease, one of the major complications of Diabetes. In the webinar we will go through: - Understand how Diabetes and Diabetic Kidney Disease are related - How you can manage diabetes well and prevent Kidney Disease - Understand how both diseases progresses, treatment options - Understand the lifestyle and behaviour changes to…
  • Image of a person holding stomach. No face is visible
    कब्ज़ से कैसे राहत पायें।
    कब्ज़ सबसे आम और असुविधाजनक परेशानियों में से एक है। पोषण विशेषज्ञ कोहिला गोविंदाराजू का कहना है कि स्वस्थ भोजन की आदत और उच्च फाइबर वाले आहार से कब्ज की तकलीफ कम हो सकती है। इस लेख में वे कब्ज़ पर चर्चा करती हैं और उच्च फाइबर युक्त पौष्टिक भोजन के लिए जानकारी और एक रेसिपी बांटती हैं । कब्ज सबसे आम पाचन-संबंधी शिकायत है। इस के कारण पेट फूला हुआ लगता है, चिड़चिड़ाहट महसूस होती है और जीवन काफी दुखी लगने लगता है। आम तौर पर, कब्ज तब माना जाता है जब प्रति सप्ताह मल त्याग (बोवल मूवमेंट) तीन या कम बार…
  • Tips To Prevent Constipation (Posters)
    Constipation bothers many people. Most of it can be prevented by simple lifestyle changes. Below are three panels of tips  Food products high in fibre help prevent constipation. Fruits, vegetables, spinach and other greens, beans, lentils, peas, whole grains, nuts, prunes and seeds are good sources of fiber. Tips for increasing fibre intake: Consume whole fruits instead of fruit juices Replace half of white rice with brown Enjoy whole meal sandwich. Snack on raw vegetables like…
  • "Suicide Is Much Tougher On Those Left Behind"
    Sejal Jobanputra lost her father to suicide at a time when she herself was grappling with a number of health issues. Even after a decade, she finds it difficult to come to terms with the tragedy. What were your immediate thoughts when your father died by suicide? Immediate thoughts were random hopelessness. Why? Could I have prevented it? Was I a burden? That time I had 2 catheters around my neck for dialysis. I had just become deaf a few weeks ago, possibly due to amikacin medicine’s side…
  • "Interstitial Cystitis Gave Me A Reason To Love And Treasure Life"
    Balaka Basu, founder of Interstitial Cystitis India, shares the story of her journey of being diagnosed with this chronic and debilitating condition to being the founder of a support group that has helped many in a similar situation.  “Changing poison into medicine”- Daisaku Ikeda When I started suffering from the debilitating disease called Interstitial Cystitis, I thought it was the end of everything in my life. I had little knowledge that it was actually the beginning of a great journey…
  • A Non-Covid Emergency During Pandemic
    Bekxy recalls how she spent three traumatic months during the lockdown managing her husband’s life threatening gallbladder illness - acute complicated cholecystitis (gangrenous) and post operative biliary fistula and living in constant fear of testing Covid positive. She also writes about her learnings as a caregiver. It was yet another day of WFH (work from home) for me. Concalls, emails, monitoring the markets, deep into work on the dining table in our living room. Suddenly the door opened…
  • A couple with their kids on either side with a cake on the table in front and blue and white balloons around
    आज जिंदा हूँ तो अपने भाई की वजह से
    सूरत के चिकित्सक, 35 वर्षीय डॉ विपुलकुमार गोयानी का हेपेटाइटिस बी का निदान तेजी से एक लिवर (यकृत, जिगर) ट्रांसप्लांट की जरूरत में बदल गया। साथ ही उन्होंने ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद अपने लिवर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए जीवनशैली में बदलाव किये। इस लेख में वे इन सब के बारे में अपने व्यक्तिगत अनुभव साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया हमें अपनी स्थिति के बारे में थोड़ा बताएं मुझे 13 जुलाई 2015 में हेपेटाइटिस बी का निदान मिला। हेपेटाइटिस के कारण सितंबर 2015 में एक्यूट लिवर फेलियर हुआ। मुझे लिवर (यकृत, जिगर ) के ट्रांसप्लांट…
  • किस तरह से बढ़ती आयु आंत और स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करती है
    हम अकसर सुनते हैं कि बुजुर्ग लोगों को कब्ज, एसिड रिफ्लक्स (अम्ल प्रतिवाह), निगलने में कठिनाई, अल्सर इत्यादि जैसी पाचन संबंधी समस्याओं से जूझना पड़ता है। डॉ। देवेंद्र देसाई, हिंदुजा अस्पताल, खार (मुंबई) में गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलॉजी के सलाहकार, हैं - इस लेख में वे उम्र बढ़ने का आंत के स्वास्थ्य पर क्या असर पड़ता है, इस पर चर्चा कर रहे हैं। प्रचलित परिभाषा के अनुसार अगर किसी व्यक्ति की उम्र 65 वर्ष या अधिक हो तो हम उन्हें बुज़ुर्ग (सीनियर/ वरिष्ठ ) मानते हैं। विश्व की आबादी में बुजुर्गों का अनुपात बढ़ रहा…
  • CKD and women's health issues
    Women’s Health Issues for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
    Dr Raka Kaushal, a senior nephrologist focused on various women’s issues amongst patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in a webinar with PatientsEngage in English and Hindi. The questions raised from pregnancy complications, to hair loss, abnormal periods, menopause, oral contraceptives and more.  Here is a synopsis of the key questions addressed. Link to recording on youtube below. Each question is marked with the time stamp. 1:43 Are women with CKD more likely to have…
  • A woman a bladder cancer survivor in a grey hoodie sitting on a wooden swing
    My Biggest Challenge Was Getting Used to A Urinary Pouch and Stoma Bag
    When Shraddha Shah, 63 from Ahmedabad was diagnosed with bladder cancer, she was single mindedly focussed on getting through the treatment and getting better.  But the biggest challenge was yet to come. Read on to appreciate her journey and challenges.    The Diagnosis The year was 2014. I work from home as an Aromatherapist but I had started feeling listless and didn’t want to do any work. I would shrug to get out of bed every morning and generally had low mood all day. In…
Hi I am 27 yr old male from Banglore, after typhiod cure i came to know that i am having 3mm stones in both kidneys, right one was at upper pole I passed it with in 4 days, left one is at lower pole I couldn't able to pass it, I am sensing its…
I was treated for gastiritis H Pylori infection with 14 days antibiotic course alongwith 10mm ureter stone removal minor operation without incision over a period for one month. Now i got gas formation with mild to severe pain in abdomen with or…
I am 39 years male working in night shift and felt pain in lower back and diagnosed fatty drain the liver of fat and can that be done with out any medicine   
Hello. I have been facing this problem for a while but has increased with time. I have even had medicine. If I drink or not deink water I have to go urine for at least two times in an hr often. Please help
I am a 38 year old male. I've been having trouble urinating and deficatin. I have mucous or a white substance coming out of my penis and stool. My stool is covered in a green or yellowish mucus like substance. And it looks like sperm half way…
10*5 mm kidney stone at vu junction
I am suffering from gastric problem since 6 years please help me to overcome this problem.
I have S creatinine 2.1 , I am a male age 62, how to reduce creatinine?
I am 71 yrs was good a year ago with no complications. No for last one year i suffer from cronic stomoch disorder with blood in life style is timely and regular Kindly suggest it a sign of colon cancer.
I was diagnosed jaundice nine months back and during blood tests my hepatitis e comes positive which impact on liver, I have been hospitalised for 35 days in different private renowned hospitals in Delhi//NCR however no full relief found, then I…

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