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  • SCARF Schizophrenia Exchange

    SCARF is the acronym for the Schizophrenia Research Foundation, a non governmental, non profit organization in Chennai (Formerly Madras) in south India Founded in 1984 by a group of philanthropists and mental health professionals led by Dr. M.Sarada Menon, an internationally known psychiatrist, SCARF has established itself as a center of repute in rehabilitation and research in disorders of the mind. The present team led by the Director Dr. R.Thara is composed of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, rehab personnel, administrative and support staff. SCARF is one of the very few NGOs in the world to be named as a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization ( WHO) for Mental Health Research and Training. SCARF would like to reach and support a wider community of patients and their caregivers through this community platform.

  • Jobs For People With Mental Illness
    To address misconceptions and concerns about employment for people with mental health issues, we speak with Dr Mangala, a consultant psychiatrist with SCARF (Schizophrenia Research Foundation).  Could you please explain what in medical parlance is known as ‘Mentally ill or Mentally Disabled’? Are these labels useful/helpful? A disturbance in one’s ability to think, behave or express feelings is termed as mental illness. When someone lacks the ability to:  meet or fulfill basic…
My 32 year old sister has paranoid schizophrenia with no insight. She has been showing symptoms since 2017 but was able to stay away from home and work. Whenever she was feeling persecuted she'd call my parents and yell and accuse them. Her delusion…
My sister (age 40) is schizophrenia patient for past 20 years. My parents moved to Bangalore from chennai 5 years before for my sister treatment, she has been getting treatment in Abhaya hospital, Nimans Hospital(most of the time) and also Manipal…
What is the cure for schizophrenia?what are good rehab centers in Mumbai? Currently he got aggressive so doctors h has given medication. But somewhere he has to get independent.he can't depend on others for the rest of his life
My brother was diagnosed with Positive Schinzophrenia last month. The Doctor prescribed him Aripiprazole 7.5 mg he took it for one month but it doesn't seem helping him.
I hate being illness, I'm taking antipsychotic medicine but yet hear ing non stop voices my head going to blast,I am getting more fear
i​ am suffering from schizophrenia and ocd . But my family, relatives and even my friend's and society don't understand this. . They all are thinking that I am just cheating them by not going to any job only because of my laziness. But this all…
Hi, I am from bangalore and live with my parents and brother. My younger brother aged 25 is suffering from following conditions: 1. He has extreme dilusion. He thinks people are following him and commenting on his body and look. 2. He doubts me that…
I request the telephone of the No in chennai regarding mental health of a patient.
Hi All My 79 yrs old father is a patient of schizophrenia for ages now and had stopped taking treatment after 2013. he claims he is absolutely sane and everybody around if conspiring against him and gets physically aggressive. Even though a senior…

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