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Please follow the below steps to join a community.


  1. Login to using Facebook login or PatientsEngage user ID & password (if already registered).
  2. Click on the “COMMUNITIES” section listed under the menu option on the top of the page.
  3. Browse from hundreds of communities and click on the join button to join a specific community.


Mobile Browser

  1. Login to using Facebook login or PatientsEngage user ID & password (if already registered).
  2. Click on the menu button on the top right corner and select “Communities”.
  3. Browse from hundreds of communities and click on the join button to join a specific community.


Android App

  1. Login to using Facebook login or PatientsEngage user ID & password (if already downloaded & registered).
  2. Click on the menu button on the top left corner and select “Communities”.
  3. Browse from hundreds of communities and click on the join button to join a specific community.