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  • Fully Alive Thanks To The Dialysis Machine And My Will Power
    Samiir Halady, has lived with Chronic Kidney Disease for 20 years and is now a transplant recipient. He shares how he balances the challenges of living with his work and his love for trekking and travel. And the secret ingredients that keep him going. Please introduce yourself Samiir I am Samy or Sam (as my friends address me). I have been doing peer counselling for last 15 – 16 years and from 2020. I drive some of the initiatives of the Amar Gandhi Foundation. I am a sensitive, emotionally…
  • A woman in an open field with a pink board in hand
    Committed To Looking After My Body, Mind And Soul While Living With Pancreatitis
    Shruthi Meera Shankar, 36 from Bangalore has been tackling Pancreatitis for the last seven years, a condition that has changed the course of her life. She discusses here how she has learnt to live with an almost incurable condition which increases her risk of Pancreatic Cancer. Please tell us a bit about the health condition you were diagnosed with and when you were diagnosed? Since 2013 I’ve been living with and managing Pancreatitis, although it was first diagnosed in 2014. Pancreatitis is an…
  • A person in a shirt and trouser holding his jacket with one hand and his stomach with another
    आईबीएस मेरी समस्या है और मुझे इससे जूझना है
    एजीएस इस बात का एक अच्छा उदाहरण हैं कि किसी को स्वास्थ्य की स्थिति से अभिभूत नहीं होना चाहिए। वे अपनी समस्या से घबराए नहीं, इसके बजाय, उन्होंने इसके लिए खाद्य पदार्थों के अनेक संयोजनों को आजमाया ताकी वे जान पाएं कि उनके शरीर के लिए क्या अच्छा है। उन्होंने स्थिति को खुद संभाला और वे इस विषय में विशेषज्ञ बन गए - अब वे दूसरों को बता सकते हैं कि वे क्या कर सकते हैं। कृपया हमें अपनी स्थिति के बारे में थोड़ा बताएं: दिन में कभी भी पेट में 5 मिनट से लेकर एक घंटे या अधिक तक बिना किसी स्पष्ट कारण के…
  • Diet For Good Kidney Health In Children
    Dr. Pankaj Deshpande, Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist shares advice on dietary suggestions for good kidney health for all children What children should be drinking and what they should not? How much and when? This is an important aspect of kidney health. A good balanced diet is required but many of us have forgotten what a balanced diet is! 1. Avoid a high salt intake   It not only causes fluid retention and increases the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) but also may lead to…
  • Child in pain with text overlay of urinary issues in children
    Linkage Between Urinary Bladder Issues and Kidney Health In Children
    Dr. Pankaj Deshpande, Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist talks about urinary bladder issues like bedwetting and urinary tract infection and how they link to Kidney Disease. Previously in Part 1 we talked about the issue of kidney stone among young children.  What is nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting) ? Till what age is it considered acceptable? As children grow, they achieve bladder control. By the time they are 3 years old most children will have achieved control of the bladder in the day…
  • A picture of a doctor examining a child with her mother about kidney stones
    Young Children Can Also Get Kidney Stones
    Dr Pankaj Deshpande, Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist sheds light on common kidney related issues in children - a topic that few people are aware about. In Part 1, he focusses on Kidney stones. And in Part 2, he will talk of urinary bladder issues. What are the most common nephrologic issues amongst the pediatric population? The words children and kidney disease seem incongruous to most people. The first reaction on mentioning any kidney illness in babies or children is that they never…
  • जब मेरी दोनों किडनी पूरी तरह फेल हो गईं
     चंद्रलेखा दास सिलचर, असम से एक शिक्षिका और मास कम्युनिकेशन विशेषज्ञा हैं। वे किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट (गुर्दे के प्रत्यारोपण ) की मरीज हैं, और अपने अनुभव साझा करते हुए यह जोर देकर कहती हैं कि एक सफल किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद भी आप शायद उसी तरह का जीवन जी सकते हैं जैसे कि आप किडनी की बीमारी होने से पहले जी रहे थे । आइये पढ़िए उन्होंने मौत पर जीत कैसे पायी। आठ साल पहले, 28 साल की उम्र में, मुझे क्रोनिक किडनी डिज़ीज़ (दीर्घकालिक गुर्दे की बीमारी) का निदान मिला था। मैं बंगलौर में थी, और एक सामान्य दिन…
  • young woman with crohns with camera on her neck
    Learning To Live With The Flares And Ebbs Of Crohn's Disease
    Madhura Balasubramaniam, 27 from Chennai tried everything to manage Crohn’s disease, getting past the grossness of it. She considers the PEG tube as the best gift she has received and takes life one day at a time.   I am Madhura, a 27-year-old from India. I have a Master's degree in Development Studies and I am currently a PhD student and researcher learning more about the Tibetan exile community in India and India’s Himalayan borderlands. Please tell us a bit about your condition -…
  • Image desription: A pair of hands on an older persons hands. Text on the image - We Will All Be Stronger If We Support Each Other
    Happy Republic Day India
    Every person is fighting some kind of battle in life. Those who live with chronic conditions and still believe in the spirit of living, deserve a special mention. This Republic Day, we salute our patients and survivors for being true heroes and inspiring us to live life to the fullest. #HappyRepublicDay #heroesoflifebattle #inspiration    
  • A family with three generations sitting around a dining table
    बुजुर्गों के लिए भोजन में संशोधन
    जब आपके प्रियजनों की उम्र बढ़ती है, तो उनके लिए सही आहार का प्रबंध करना अधिक ज़रूरी हो जाता है, क्योंकि अधिकाँश केस में अनुचित भोजन लेना अधिक तनाव और परेशानी का कारण बनता है। इस लेख में डॉ। भुवनेश्वरी अपने माता-पिता की प्राथमिक देखभालकर्ता होने के अनुभवों के आधार पर कुछ सरल सुझाव दे रही हैं। बुजुर्गों के आहार पर ध्यान देना बहुत जरूरी है क्योंकि आहार के पैटर्न को बदलने से कुछ ऐसी सामान्य समस्याओं में सुधार हो सकता है जो कई बुजुर्गों में पायी जाती हैं. हमें इस पहलू पर अपनी भारतीय सन्दर्भ (जैसे कि…
Hi I am 27 yr old male from Banglore, after typhiod cure i came to know that i am having 3mm stones in both kidneys, right one was at upper pole I passed it with in 4 days, left one is at lower pole I couldn't able to pass it, I am sensing its…
I was treated for gastiritis H Pylori infection with 14 days antibiotic course alongwith 10mm ureter stone removal minor operation without incision over a period for one month. Now i got gas formation with mild to severe pain in abdomen with or…
I am 39 years male working in night shift and felt pain in lower back and diagnosed fatty drain the liver of fat and can that be done with out any medicine   
Hello. I have been facing this problem for a while but has increased with time. I have even had medicine. If I drink or not deink water I have to go urine for at least two times in an hr often. Please help
I am a 38 year old male. I've been having trouble urinating and deficatin. I have mucous or a white substance coming out of my penis and stool. My stool is covered in a green or yellowish mucus like substance. And it looks like sperm half way…
10*5 mm kidney stone at vu junction
I am suffering from gastric problem since 6 years please help me to overcome this problem.
I have S creatinine 2.1 , I am a male age 62, how to reduce creatinine?
I am 71 yrs was good a year ago with no complications. No for last one year i suffer from cronic stomoch disorder with blood in life style is timely and regular Kindly suggest it a sign of colon cancer.
I was diagnosed jaundice nine months back and during blood tests my hepatitis e comes positive which impact on liver, I have been hospitalised for 35 days in different private renowned hospitals in Delhi//NCR however no full relief found, then I…

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