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  • Managing eczema – soothe that itchiness
    Is stress causing your eczema flare-up? Dr Gita Mathai suggests remedies for different triggers What is eczema? The name ‘eczema’ covers a broad spectrum of skin diseases all of which are characterised by itchy, red, crusting and scaling. The skin eventually becomes thickened and hyper pigmented.  What are the types of eczema? Atopic dermatitis is the commonest type of eczema. It is caused by various allergies. It affects 20% of children worldwide. Children can ‘outgrow’ eczema, it can…
  • A woman scratching her neck to signify skin allergies
    Learn About Skin Allergies
    Skin allergies affect a large percentage of people and can be difficult to deal with. Learn about Skin allergies, types of skin allergies and how to test for it. An allergy is an abnormal reaction or increased sensitivity to certain substances. The allergic individual produces symptoms when exposed to these substances, which are harmless to non-allergic people. Normally, the body's defence system fights against foreign bodies. In most allergic reactions, it is a false alarm which induces the…
  • Digital Tools Enabled Me to Be Independent
    Alok Kaushik, now 40, talks about his transition from the life of a sighted person to a blind person. “Start living in the solution domain rather than the problem domain,” he says, sharing the solutions that help him maintain his independence. Please tell us a bit about your condition. I have Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), which is a disease of the retina that causes the photo-receptor cells in the retina, i.e. rods and cones, to degenerate in a progressive manner, leading…
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    Dental Health and its influence on Systemic Diseases
    Maintaining good oral health is more than just about keeping cavities at bay. Your dental health has far-reaching consequences on your body, with oral bacteria being linked to many life-threatening conditions, like cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, renal health and even brain abcess. Oral hygience and overall good health  Like many areas of the body, your mouth is teeming with bacteria, most of them harmless. Normally the body's natural defences and good oral health can keep these…
  • Fighting Psoriasis is not my sole aim in life
    Alka Dhupkar, 32, has been living with Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition for 20 years. She says, “We should accept our skin disease and then, as a normal person, we can think and plan our life.” She shares her story and learnings. Please tell us a bit about your condition: I have had psoriasis since I was 13. Currently I have developed psoriatic arthritis on my left leg and patches around bones mainly. On the scalp also I have psoriasis patches. The psoriasis I had 20 years…
  • Smoking Worsens Psoriatic Arthritis
    "Patients with psoriatic arthritis who smoke have worse patient-reported disease features at baseline and don't respond as well as nonsmokers to anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) treatment, a Danish study found." Patients who had stopped smoking more than 4 years before beginning treatment showed very similar rates of adherence to treatment as did those who had never smoked. So its never too late to quit smoking.
  • What your body may be trying to tell you
    Abnormally dry skin? Change in hair colour or shape of your nails? Even simple changes in the body may signify an underlying problem that you need to get checked out. By Dr Gita Mathai, paediatrician and family practitioner, shares tips to help you stay vigilant. The Skin should be a healthy colour.  • If it turns yellow, you may have jaundice.  • If it looks pale, get checked for anaemia. Here's how to manage iron-deficient anaemia. • Excessively cracked and…
  • Diabetic Skin Complications
    - With inputs from Dr. Anju Virmani, Endocrinologist, New Delhi What is it People with diabetes, due to high blood glucose, often have a loss of fluid in the body. This can cause dry skin on the legs, elbows, feet and other areas of the body. Dry skin is more likely to crack, allowing germs to get into these areas, causing infections that can have severe consequences. Diabetics are more prone to getting bacterial and fungal infections. Diabetics may also suffer from itchy skin…
acne and black spots ,dullness of skin tone
my skin used to be very flawless and clear but from some last weeks my face starts itching with some burning sensation and also get red spots on face..but only on right side of the face. .on left side of face i don't have any problem.. tell me what…
i think i have a skin infection.. i havr fungal infection day by day its increase what should i do
I have itchiness on upper part of hands and lower portion of legs for some days but not continues I have renal stone of 7mm on right kidney but normal creatinine and blood sugar level what I do
My daughter in law is suffering from vitaligo from age of 20 with about 60% white she is 33 and married and a son aged 2yrs. We have given full psychological support. Will cmc vellore (TN) dermotologists be right place to get medical…
hair in side itching

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