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  • Treatment for Age related Macular Degeneration
    There is no well accepted therapy for dry form of Age related Macular Degeneration. The wet form of AMD or ARMD was earlier treated commonly with lasers or photodynamic therapy but today intraocular injections are the most successfully employed therapy. Anti-VEGF (Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor) group of agents are typically utilised for this, and if injected timely, have gratifying response both in terms of vision and OCT (Optical coherence tomography) changes. The eye injection is an…
  • Diagnosis and Tests For Age related Macular Degeneration
    ​There are different tests to diagnose AMD Ocular examination This is the gold standard for diagnosis, where the ophthalmologist evaluates the retina after dilating the pupils to look for signs of dry or wet AMD or ARMD.   Optical coherence tomography (OCT)  is a very simple and useful test that is frequently employed to confirm the findings and also guide therapy. It provides the clinician an “optical biopsy”, allowing him to understand the structural damage to the individual layers…
  • Types and Stages of Age related Macular Degeneration
    Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD or ARMD) is most commonly classified as dry or wet form. The dry form passes through early and intermediate stages before reaching the advanced stages. It is characterised by deposition of drusen, which happens due to wear and tear related to ageing and reflects by products of general metabolism of the eye.  These deposits are clinical evidence of damage the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) layer of the retina, whose primary function is to nourish the…
  • Signs and Symptoms of Age related Macular Degeneration
    Symptoms of AMD Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD or ARMD) frequently involves both eyes. Since the degeneration predominantly involves the central retina also called as macula, the disease can result in significant symptoms. Early or less harming forms of disease result in blurring of vision for both distance and near. As the disease progresses towards stages of atrophy and scarring there can be severe loss of vision, necessitating visual aids. In advanced stages, patients often complain…
  • Causes and Risk Factors of Age related Macular Degeneration
    Risk Factors of Age-related Macular Degeneration Age is the most important risk factor for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD or ARMD). The risk increases multiple folds in age above 70 years. Other risk factors include smoking, genetic susceptibility and family history. Cardiac illness and hypertension are also considered as important risk factors of Age related Macular Degeneration. Contributed by  Dr Brijesh Takkar CRTP Fellow, IHOPE Consultant Ophthalmologist, Vitreo Retinal…
  • Macular degeneration
    Overview of Age related Macular Degeneration
    What Is Age related Macular Degeneration There is a population shift towards older age worldwide, and even in India around 180 million individuals are estimated to be at or above 60 years by 2026. As per the national survey conducted in India, 5% of blindness in the older population is caused by retinal diseases, of which age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD) is a common cause.   AMD, a condition that affects the central vision of a person, is an acquired cause of retinal…
  • Early Detection Of Glaucoma Can Arrest Vision Loss
    Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. Dr Chandrima Paul, Opthalmologist Kolkata, and Honorary General Secretary, Glaucoma Society of India, talks about the risks of Glaucoma and the importance of early detection.  #WorldSightDay #Glaucoma  What percentage of glaucoma patients go blind? A 2001 report said that Glaucoma is the 3rd major cause of blindness in India. It causes almost as much as 5.9 per cent of blindness. It is almost an irreversible cause of blindness.…
  • My Vision Impairment Challenges Have Strengthened Me
    Aruna Misra, 60 from Faridabad has only 8 per cent peripheral vision left, which is also on a steady decline. But that does not stop her from living independently,  doing all her chores, and even cooking when her husband had COVID. Most importantly, it has not sapped her zest for life. Please tell us a bit about your condition I am suffering from an advanced stage of Retinitis Pigmentosa. I have a mere 8 per cent of vision left now. And it is mainly peripheral. I don’t have any vision…
  • Image of a coronavirus and text overlay which says How to prevent mucormycosis
    How Can We Prevent Covid Related Mucormycosis
    Dr. Tarjani Dave, Consultant Ophthalmologist at LV Prasad Eye Institute explains what is Mucormycosis or Black Fungus, the symptoms associated with it, why there was a spike in the second wave of Covid cases in India and how to prevent another spike in the future. Why is Mucormycosis called the “black fungus”? Mucormycosis is caused by a fungus called Mucor that is found all around us - in the oral and respiratory lining of all healthy individuals, soil, water and air. It commonly affects…
  • Need Strength To Ride Over The Tide Of Eczema And Pain
    Anitha A, 42 talks about her experience of living with a sudden onset of eczema and its various triggers. She shares the various solutions she tries and what helped her manage the triggers of eczema. When were you diagnosed? It started as a tiny spot in the month of January 2019 What were the early symptoms? What triggered eczema? Itchiness, spots on the skin and rashes were the early symptoms. When I reflected on it, I realized that I was losing weight for which I did not know the reason.…
acne and black spots ,dullness of skin tone
my skin used to be very flawless and clear but from some last weeks my face starts itching with some burning sensation and also get red spots on face..but only on right side of the face. .on left side of face i don't have any problem.. tell me what…
i think i have a skin infection.. i havr fungal infection day by day its increase what should i do
I have itchiness on upper part of hands and lower portion of legs for some days but not continues I have renal stone of 7mm on right kidney but normal creatinine and blood sugar level what I do
My daughter in law is suffering from vitaligo from age of 20 with about 60% white she is 33 and married and a son aged 2yrs. We have given full psychological support. Will cmc vellore (TN) dermotologists be right place to get medical…
hair in side itching

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