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  • Pain free injections with NUS patch
    Would be helpful for Diabetics, Children, those in need of painkillers at home. Next step Clinical Trials
  • Google Abbvie JV to develop new ways to treat cancer and other diseases
    Google’s health startup Calico is teaming up with biotechnology drugmaker AbbVie in a $500 million joint venture that will try to develop new ways to treat cancer and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
  • Adults with disabilities
  • Apples and tart cherries help fight inflammation
    Helps fight not just arthritis but Alzheimer's as well. Eat fresh fruit rather than drink juice
  • Day Care Centre for the elderly in Mysore
    A day-care and recreation centre for senior citizens is set to come up in Mysore. Thanks to the ‘success’ of similar centres in Bangalore, Hubli-Dharwad, Gulbarga and Belgaum, the Directorate for the Welfare of Senior Citizens and Disabled has proposed the centres in the remaining districts, including Mysore.
  • Salt to taste
    Just as too much salt leads to health problems, so does too little. How much is just right? Hear it from Dr Gita Mathai, paediatrician and family practitioner. Salt was a precious commodity in historical times. The word “salary” is derived from “salt” and Roman soldiers were paid partly in salt. Valuable employees were described as “the salt of the earth” and dispensable ones as “salt that had lost its flavour.” Somewhere between the Roman era and the 21st century…
  • The Sweet Truth
    All you need to know about artificial sweeteners and sugar-free treats. By Dr Gita Mathai, a paediatrician and family practitioner.  Food is enjoyed if it looks, smells and tastes good. It needs to provide an appetising blend of salt, sugar, bitters, sourness and spice. The first three in excess are “injurious to health”, and, of these, sugar is considered the greatest villain of all. It is purported to be singlehandedly responsible for the global epidemic of…
  • What your body may be trying to tell you
    Abnormally dry skin? Change in hair colour or shape of your nails? Even simple changes in the body may signify an underlying problem that you need to get checked out. By Dr Gita Mathai, paediatrician and family practitioner, shares tips to help you stay vigilant. The Skin should be a healthy colour.  • If it turns yellow, you may have jaundice.  • If it looks pale, get checked for anaemia. Here's how to manage iron-deficient anaemia. • Excessively cracked and…
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    Yoga - Uttanpadasana or Raising of Leg/s
    Meaning Uttan means raising up. Pada means leg. Uttanpadasana translates to raising of leg/s. Benefits  1. This asana stretches the hamstring muscles and strengthens the thighs. 2. It strengthens the muscles of the lower abdomen and reduces abdominal fat. 3. This asana is good for the digestive system. It exercises the pelvic and perineal muscles. 4. It makes the back strong. 5. This is a preparatory pose for performing inverted poses in the course of practice. Contraindications People…
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    Yoga - Yogmudra
    Meaning Yogmudra develops psychic awareness and control of energy. Benefits 1. Yogmudra strengthens the lower back and stretches the spinal cord. 2. The posture helps to massage the abdomen and the digestive system. 3. It is believed to prevent and manage diabetes. 4. It massages the pelvis and the reproductive organs. 5. It relieves anger and tension, inducing tranquillity. 6. It develops mental peace. Contraindications Those suffering from high blood pressure should not hold the pose for long…
Question from a community member How to eradicate  blood sugar,blood pressure,fatty liver, prostrate enlargement
where is my free yoga aginst diabetes book as promised
I want to loose my's 80 its..I want to reduce 20 kg..    
How do i treat my High Blood Pressure naturally
Hi, my father is suffering from acute nerve pain in lower neck, starting from jaw. we tried all the possible treatments but could not get respite.
send to download above booklet
I am 50 years old and have low haemoglobin (10.8). I have not been able to lose weight despite cutting calories drastically and doing mild exercise (daily brisk walking for 30 mins). Does anemia make weight loss difficult?
When we shared this article on FB, we got a few great suggestions.  1. Release tightness around the hip flexors and calves using myofascial release. Activate the glute muscles 2. I…
There is a pic going around that fasting helps  - beat addictions - gives digestive system a rest - is a great way to start a healthy diet - Normalises insulin sensitivity - Reduces hunger levels - promotes detoxification process - whiten eyes…
We got a question from a reader about what blueberries are called in India. From all accounts, it appears that this is not grown in India so it does not have an Indian name. Anybody has anything else to offer ? Also do other local berries in India…

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