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  • Graphic image signifying hemophilia with the text hemophilia and Types and Stages on green strip
    Types of Hemophilia
    Hemophilia is classified based on the deficiency of different clotting factors: Hemophilia A (Classic Hemophilia) – It is the most common type of condition. It occurs due to deficiency of clotting factors VIII. Hemophilia B (Christmas Disease) – It occurs due to deficiency of clotting factor IX. Hemophilia C – It occurs due to deficiency of clotting factors XI. Para hemophilia – It occurs due to clotting factor V deficiency. Based on the percentage of clotting factors and severity, Hemophilia…
  • Graphic image signifying hemophilia with the text hemophilia and Symptoms and Signs on blue strip
    Symptoms and Signs of Hemophilia
    Symptoms of Hemophilia depend on the severity of the condition. Early detection is very important, as internal bleeding can be dangerous. Symptoms and signs of hemophilia include: Prolonged bleeding – Excessive bleeding can occur after injuries, surgeries, or dental procedures. It happens because of the absence of clotting factors required to stop bleeding. Fatigue and weakness – Chronic bleeding can lead to anemia, resulting in fatigue and weakness. Easy bruising – Large bruises can be…
  • Graphic image signifying bleeding disorder and the text Hemophilia on top and Causes and Risk Factors on a green strip
    Causes and Risk Factors of Hemophilia
    Causes and Risk Factors of Hemophilia Hemophilia is often passed down from parents to children through the X chromosome. Mutations in either of the gene for the factor VIII protein or the gene for the factor IX protein leads to the low production of these clotting factors. This change in a copy of the gene that makes factor VIII or factor IX is called a Hemophilia allele. Both of these factors are found on the X chromosome.                  …
  • Graphic of Hemophila and the text overlay Overview on a green strip
    Overview of Hemophilia
    What is Hemophilia Hemophilia is a rare genetic blood disorder in which blood clotting is impaired. This occurs because specific genes producing clotting factors VIII or IX are dysfunctional. As it is an inherited condition, signs often show up in early childhood. The main sign is excessive bleeding, occurring both externally from cuts and internally into joints or organs. Other signs include nose bleeding, easy bruising, and bleeding during or after surgery. Treatment includes administering…
  • Stock pic of a back with red rashes and text overlay shingles herpes zoster
    Shingles Frequently Asked Questions
    Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox. The reactivation after dormancy in adulthood causes extremely painful rash which is avoidable by awareness and vaccination. Here are a few things everyone must know about Shingles. What is Shingles? Shingles is a viral disease caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, also known as the Herpes Zoster virus. The virus remains…
  • Stock pic or a person looking at a magnifying glass and text overlay Diabetic Macular Edema and PatientsEngage
    Diabetic Macular Edema: Treatment and Prevention
    Diabetic Macular Edema or DME is a growing concern in India especially because it is most prevalent in persons with Diabetes. Learn more about the causes, symptoms and treatment options available for DME. Dr. Padmaja Kumari Rani, Network Head, Tele-ophthalmology and vitreoretinal surgeon at L V Prasad Eye Institute provides valuable information on treatment and prevention of DME.    What is Diabetic Macular Edema? Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) is a condition that affects the retina,…
  • Stock image of woman holding her neck which has an image of a thyroid gland superimposed
    Thyroid FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about Thyroid Conditions
    The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in controlling vital functions. There are multiple thyroid disorders. PatientsEngage addresses some of common and frequently asked questions on thyroid related issues. The thyroid gland is one of the most essential glands in the body. It is fundamental to the functioning of several organs, such as the kidneys, liver, brain, heart, and even skin. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the lower-front part of the neck, just below the Adam's apple. It is…
  • A person on a sofa holding back in pain and the text overlay urinary issues in elderly
    Managing Bladder Issues In Older Adults
    Aging is the most common cause of urinary issues in older adults, apart from Urinary Tract Infection, Urinary Incontinence and Chronic Kidney Disease. Read on to find out what steps can be taken to prevent or delay these issues which have a significant impact on quality of life.  Understanding Micturition (Urination) Lots of nerves innervate the bladder. The feeling of bladder fullness travels up the spinal cord to the Micturition Center in the brain, which stimulates micturition through…
  • A woman in a red dress coughing and text overlay Understanding A Cough
    Know What Your Cough Could Mean
    We have all had a cough in our life. While it is our body's natural reflex and a routine occurrence, a cough may signify more than a bodily function. It may be a powerful signal, an expression of our respiratory system trying to communicate with us. Whether the cough is fleeting, annoying, or persistent, it is a call for attention to the intricacies of our health. Through this article, we will decode everything about coughing and the significance it holds in the broader context of our health.…