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  • Cancer

    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and caregivers in their journey  

  • Treatment of Childhood Cancers
    The various treatments of pediatric cancers or childhood cancers are tabulated below Cancer Type Treatment Options Lymphoma Chemotherapy, Monoclonal antibodies and Stem cell Transplant. For Hodgkin’s lymphoma, radiation therapy is used. Leukemia Chemotherapy, Radiation, Bone marrow or Stem cell Transplant. Neuroblastoma Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Immunotherapy, Retinoid therapy and Stem cell Transplant. Retinoblastoma Enucleation with orbital implant…
  • Childhood Cancers Tests and Diagnosis
    Tests for Childhood Cancers/ Pediatric Cancers Tests will depend on the symptoms and signs observed on physical examination. Further diagnostic workup will be prescribed accordingly. Each childhood cancer and their respective test have been listed below. Cancer Type Tests Lymphoma CBC, Chest X-ray, Biopsy of the lump, Bone marrow aspiration, CT scan Leukemia Thorough physical exam of liver, spleen and lymph nodes, CBC with differentials, Bone marrow test. Neuroblastoma…
  • Types and Stages of Childhood Cancers
    Types of Childhood Cancers The common types of Childhood cancers are: Lymphoma Leukemia Neuroblastoma Retinoblastoma Wilm’s tumor or Nephroblastoma Brain tumors Bone Cancers like Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma Soft tissue cancers like Rhabdomyosarcoma References: National Cancer Institute.
  • Prevention of Childhood Cancers
    Prevention There is not much one can do to prevent childhood cancers. There are a few risk factors that can be avoided such as preventing the child’s exposure to smoke(second hand), excessive sun, toxic fumes, radiation and hazardous chemicals. Prevent Obesity by encouraging healthy eating habits and physical activity to stay fit. If there is a known inherited gene defect, prophylactic surgery may be considered. Currently there is no screening for childhood cancers.
  • Signs and Symptoms of Childhood Cancers
    Symptoms of Pediatric/ Childhood Cancers Many symptoms and signs can be non-specific in kids and often be due to other illnesses. The Pediatric Oncology Resource Center uses an apt acronym (CHILDCANCER) to describe the symptoms: Continued, unexplained weight loss Headaches, often with early morning vomiting Increased swelling or persistent pain in the bones, joints, back, or legs Lump or mass, especially in the abdomen, neck, chest, pelvis, or armpits Development of excessive bruising,…
  • Causes and Risk Factors of Childhood Cancers
    Although the exact etiology of childhood cancer remains unknown, there are may risk factors that can predispose children for developing cancer. These are broadly categorised as: Genetic - Certain cancers like Retinoblastoma and Wilm’s tumor have a genetic link, which means that the children are born with a specific gene mutation inherited from a parent. Not all childhood cancers occur from an inherited mutation but can be due to a mutation that occurs early in life, maybe even in the womb. Such…
  • Childhood Cancer text
    Childhood Cancers Overview
    According to the WHO, approximately 400,000 children (aged 0-19 years) are diagnosed with cancer every single year. While high-income countries have an 80% cure rate for children, in low-income countries the cure rate is estimated to be merely 15-45%. Childhood cancer cancers , also called Pediatric cancers are cancers that affect children from the birth to adolescence. Most of these cancers are quite rare and behave differently than they do n adults. References: World Health Organisation.…
  • A picture of the skies with a text overlay of clicking the skies calmed me down
    Small Ideas Big Results To Carry On Life During Cancer
    Nidhi Maini shares her many challenges with breast cancer, how she found solutions to deal with these challenges, what worked as well as what was not helpful. She also shares some of the photographs she took to help her cope. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2019, a few days after I turned 43. It came as a shock; well, it sounds cliched but, it was a bolt out of nowhere. I was living a fairly healthy life or so I believed. There was no indication of anything amiss till I…
  • Stage 4 Lung cancer survivor sitting on the rocks in a green t-shirt and jeans
    Yoga Supported My Stage 4 Lung Cancer Treatment And Recovery
    Ramki Sreenivasan was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer in 2017. Along with initial brain radiation, targeted therapy, he embraced the spirit and practices of yoga passionately for healing and recovery. Here he advocates the vast potential of yoga in cancer management. I am an avid wildlife photographer and passionate conservationist. I am out in the wild most of the time. Trek to Sikkim The year 2017 was life-changing. In November, I had gone on a solo trip to the mountainous region of…
  • Composite pic of Prima and her father with stage 4 cancer and the father in the garden on the phone
    My Father's Journey With Stage 4 Cancer
    Prima shares the challenges of caring for her father who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the ureter and kidney, the effect that COVID had on the treatment choices, the pain he went through, the palliative care choices and the emotional turmoil of it all. I vividily remember that afternoon when he implored, “Take me to the doctor, I’m uncomfortable. I’m in pain and want to sleep”. My husband gave him his morphine pill and told him we would go see his doctor soon. He kept saying, he wanted…
This study compared the outcome of low-dose rate brachytherapy (LDR-BT) and image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IG-IMRT) for localized prostate cancer of different severities. With/ without External Beam RadioTherapy.  Five year…
While this is not definitive and it is a small sample size, its still a strong indicator. Its also worrying that those who chose alternatives tended to be younger women with more education and more money…
Do you struggle to get accepted back at work? Do you struggle with little issues like going out with colleagues, work related travel, side effects of treatment, fatigue, anxiety?…
My father aged 86 yrs is detected with AML. I find from net that lemon with baking soda prevents growth of cancer. Is that correct? At present he is undergoing chemo.  
Cancer brings in a lot of anxiety for the patient and for the family. What are some of the ways you coped with the anxiety?
I came upon these two articles and thought it is worth sharing them. What's been your experience? What would you recommend to people in this situation? It could be you, it could be your colleague. Do share your experience and thoughts
Whats been bothering you in the last week ? Did you have a happy event ? Would you like to share ?
This is such a difficult subject for so many mothers. Here is what Joan Lunden did ..What would you do ?  

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  • Cancer
    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and…
  • Cancer
    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and…
  • Care For Rare Disease Circle
    A rare disease is any disease that affects a small percentage of the population. Most rare diseases are genetic and are…