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  • Image: A woman stands with a poster showing her support for fibro warriors
    It Took Two Years to get a Proper Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia
    Swati Agrawal, a fibromyalgia patient keenly wishes for more awareness and treatment for this incurable, misdiagnosed and misunderstood, invisible illness. Find out how she maintains her health. Listen to her in the video below. New Delhi, 12 May 2016: Well, you know what they say about best laid schemes of mice. In my case, that pretty much sums up Fibromyalgia. In fact, I think Robert Burns would have been impressed with how earnestly fibromyalgia made the schemes of my life go awry. Chronic…
Hello all This is Swati here. Did you know this is Pain Awareness Month? As the month comes to an end, what would you like to share most about having Fibromyalgia? I would like to share that having Fibromyalgia is like being a superhero where you…
In a recent study of more than 1,600 people injured in traffic accidents, researchers discovered that individuals with a certain variant in a stress-controlling gene - FKBP5, were more likely to develop chronic pain. These findings may lead to…
Hello all, This is Spoonie and I will help administrate this group. I am happy to tell you that we are 120 members strong. I hope to see this as a forum where we can all support each other. How about we start with introductions? I look forward to…
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