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  • Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Diet guidelines Nutritionists advise on eating right as it increases energy levels, strengthens immunity and helps one feel better. Extreme diets should be avoided as they can worsen your symptoms. Eat a balanced diet that includes vegetables, grains, fruits, protein and dairy. Certain foods can trigger symptoms or make them worse. Such foods are: Fatty and fried foods Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Nutrasweet (aspartame) Cigarettes or tobacco products Things like alcohol, caffeine and sugary…
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms and Signs
    Fatigue with all of the following features:  New or specific onset  Persistent and/or recurrent   Reduction in activity level  Unexplained by any other conditions  Post-exertional depression and/or fatigue (seen after 24 hours and with slow recovery time) One or more of the following symptoms:  Muscle and/or joint pain at multiple places and without any inflammation  Sleep problems such as insomnia, hypersomnia, unrefreshing sleep, disturbed sleep-wake cycle  Painful…
  • Stages of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    The prognosis and clinical course of the disorder varies considerably. Some patients don’t recover for years due to poor recovery and high relapse rates. Lower recovery rates and higher relapse rates are associated with those who have had CFS for many years. Children can also be badly affected. Ones who have mild-to-moderate symptoms are more likely than adults to go into remission. If left untreated, CFS can lead to social loneliness, depression, deconditioning (weakness due to inactivity) and…
  • Prevention of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome cannot be prevented but it can be managed and the symptoms can be treated. The best option is to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and meditate or do a fun activity to keep stress levels low.
  • CFS Tests and Diagnosis
    There's no single test to confirm a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. A variety of medical tests are done to rule out other health problems that have similar symptoms.  CFS and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Some people believe that CFS and ME are two separate conditions while others believe that the two conditions are the same but symptoms are different. Myalgic means muscle aches or pains and Encephalomyelitis is inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.  When fatigue is the…
  • 20 tips on managing Arthritis - an E-book
    Did you know that even 30-40 year olds are getting diagnosed with Arthritis and that women are 2-3 times more prone to Rheumatoid Arthritis. So we have compiled all that you need to know about arthritis in a single e-book  What is arthritis? Types of arthritis How to avoid arthritis? How to manage arthritis To download the book, click here: Join our community on arthritis:…
  • Caregiver Training Video - Touch Therapy
    This is a caregiver training video resource from HCA Hospice Care, Singapore.  It shows how you can gently massage to soothe an elderly person or a patient.   
  • Management of Arthritis
    How to manage arthritis ​You may be prescribed the following medications depending on the cause of the arthritis: Rest and exercise People with arthritis should exercise. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there is strong evidence indicating that both endurance and resistance types of exercise provide considerable disease-specific benefits for people with osteoarthritis and rheumatic conditions (www.…
  • How to Prevent Arthritis
    Can it be prevented Maintain your ideal weight: Increased weight on the load-bearing joints, like knees, ankles and hips, makes you highly susceptible to osteoarthritis. Losing weight cuts the risk of arthritis. Exercise regularly: Try to exercise at least 20 minutes for three days a week if exercise is vigorous, or 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week. Practice yoga or simple stretching. These exercises strengthen the muscles around joints. Quit smoking, as it weakens bone health…
  • Arthritis
    What is it  The word “arthritis” means joint inflammation, and it's used to describe different diseases and conditions that affect joints, the tissues that surround joints, and other connective tissue. Arthritis is often seen as a disease that affects the elderly but it can affect people of all ages. According to the Arthritis Foundation, two-thirds of people with arthritis are under the age of 65. And more people in their late 30s and 40s are now being diagnosed with the condition. As…