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  • Eating healthily at food courts
    Just choose one of the following options, says nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju • Yong Tau Foo (Hakka dish)  Make it healthier still by choosing bee hoon, mee sua or kway teow (100-140 calories) instead of yellow noodles (200 calories per 100g of cooked noodles). Limit the intake of crab sticks, fish balls and cakes, and fish-paste stuffed veggies, which are loaded with sodium (15g of fresh fish comes with 10mg of sodium compared to 15g of crab stick with130mg…
  • 7 reasons to love Chia Seeds. Plus 3 simple recipes.
    By nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju What are Chia Seeds ? They are a member of the mint family Why love them? • Chia seeds improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. The soluble fibre in the seeds helps to stabilise blood glucose levels. When soaked in liquid, they develop a gelatinous texture. This gel formation phenomenon creates the barrier between carbohydrates and digestive enzymes that ultimately slow down the conversion of carbohydrates into simple sugar.…
  • Why Meditation and Yoga Are Recommended for Breast Cancer
    Non-invasive alternative therapies can clear an anxious mind Up to 80% of American patients with breast cancer will undergo complementary therapies to manage anxiety and stress after they receive a diagnosis. Though there’s no clear consensus on which integrative and alternative therapies work and which are ineffective, more and more medical practices have incorporated practices like mindfulness and acupuncture into their offerings. But a new study published in the Journal of the…
  • Baiye Veggie Sizzler
    Here is a healthier, vegetarian version of the classic sizzler recipe. This is an interesting way to incorporate tofu, which is such a heart-friendly food. This recipe is also rich in antioxidants, calcium, magnesium and protein and has a low glycaemic index. Hence, recommended for diabetics too. Baiye tofu is dried bean curd, structured in the form of sheets. It's easily available.  But if you cannot get it, regular tofu will also do. You can play around with the ingredients and toss in…
  • Diet for Chronic Kidney Disease patients
    Dietitian Ujjwala Baxi helps make sense of the diet guidelines and tells you what you can eat guilt-free. Good kidney function is essential for removing the waste material from food that we eat and other byproducts of the body. The kidneys excrete a dietary protein called urea, as well as sodium, potassium and phosphate. These substances can build up in the body if kidney function is impaired. If your kidneys are not working optimally, you need to follow a prescribed diet to lessen the…
  • 3 As for Breast Cancer Recovery
    Plus other tips that got me through. A breast cancer survivor from Delhi shares. Diet 3As - Apple, Anar (pomegranate), Amla (gooseberry) Wheatgrass (if you can manage) Broccoli Do not eat fried and fatty food  If you go out once in a while, eat without making a fuss - so you don't get isolated Eat even if you don't feel like it Mental wellbeing Read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Make a list of things you want to do - think forward into the future (even a child's wedding) Physical…
  • Do I look fat?
    Your size is not a matter of perception but a mathematical fact that you can calculate, says Dr Gita Mathai. What are the commonly used parameters? The BMI (Body Mass Index) is easily measured. It is weight (in kg) divided by height (in meters) squared. BMI Weight Status Below 18.5 Underweight 18.5 – 23.9 Normal 24.0 – 29.9 Overweight 30.0 and Above Obese BMI has some limitations. If it is calculated for adults who are very muscular, or very thin, they may fall erroneously into…
  • Menus good for the waist and the wallet
    - By nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju Breakfast Fried beehoon (plain) with bean sprouts, stir-fried vegetables (cabbage/string beans/French beans/ okra) - 2 servings  Tip: One serving is 3⁄4 of a coffee mug (glass mug/cup served at hawker coffee stall)  Or  Wholegrain sandwich with egg, lettuce, tomato and cheese or light mayonnaise Kopi O or Teh O Mid-morning snack Have any one of the following: An apple or banana or bowl of chopped carrots or celery or jicama (…
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    Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
    Meaning Vriksha is tree, asana is posture. Thus this aasana reflects the shape of a tree Benefits of Vrikshasana 1. Helps increase physical balance and coordination. 2. This asana balances the nervous system and develops control of the body. 3. Improves focus and concentration. 4. Makes legs supple and strengthens muscles of the leg, foot and ankle. 5. Vrikshasana is a synchronised effort of body and mind. 6. It is similar to the natural posture of a tree which helps to make the mind tranquil.…