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  • Diabetes

    Pre-diabetes, Type 1, Type 2, Gestational, Complications, Diet and Nutrition, Yoga for Diabetes, Personal stories, News and Views, Discussions. Focus on Prevention and Management

  • Diabetic Retinopathy Symptoms and Signs
    Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy are: Blurring or haziness of vision Spots or lines in field of vision – Floaters Diminished vision, which may vary from mild decrease in reading vision (macular edema) to total loss of vision due to bleeding (vitreous haemorrhage).
  • Prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy
    Can it be prevented A holistic approach – controlling blood sugar, hypertension, dyslipemia  and kidney status with a good exercise routine -  is the best preventive measure. What kind of screening tests should I undergo? Here are some guidelines, according to American Diabetic Association Adults and children aged >10 years with Type 1 diabetes should have an initial dilated and comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist within 5 years of the onset of…
  • Causes of Diabetic Retinopathy and Risk Factors
    Are you at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy  Yes, if you have: Persistent hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar)  Diabetes of more than 5-years duration Albuminuria (too much protein in the urine>30mg in 24hours) Hypertension Dyslipemia
  • 4 ways to manage Diabetic Neuropathy
    These measures can help you manage the progression of diabetic neuropathy: Keep your blood pressure under control. Having both high blood pressure and diabetes greatly increases your risk of complications because both damage your blood vessels and reduce blood flow. Try to keep your blood pressure in the range your doctor recommends. Make sure you check in regularly.  Make healthy food choices. Eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of healthy foods, especially fruits, vegetables and…
  • Diabetic Neuropathy Prevention
    There's a lot you can do to prevent or delay nerve damage. And, if you already have diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage), these steps can prevent or delay further damage and may lessen your symptoms.  The most important thing is to keep blood sugar levels under control: Healthy planned diet, physical activity and medications, if prescribed, can help you reach your target range. Use a blood glucose meter to check your daily levels. Get an A1C test (a lab test) at least twice a year to find…
  • Diabetic Neuropathy Symptoms and Signs
    The symptoms and signs of diabetic neuropathy depend on the type of neuropathy present with varying severity.  1. Peripheral neuropathy  This presents with numbness or tingling, pain or burning sensations, loss of sensation in the feet or lower legs and sometimes in the hands or arms. This affects the peripheral nerves, most commonly the nerves of the feet and legs.  2. Proximal neuropathy  This presents with one-sided pain in the hips, weakness in the thigh muscles, weight…
  • Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment
    The treatment is based on the types of diabetic neuropathy  1. Peripheral neuropathy treatment Manage pain with standard analgesics Maintain HbA1c below 7% Avoid tobacco and narcotics Localised pain can be managed with topical capsaicin, antidepressants (duloxetine, amitriptyline, imipramine, desipramine, venlafaxine), anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, gabapentin, phenytoin), or antiarrhythmic drug mexilitine (oral lidocaine). 2. Proximal neuropathy treatment Manage joint pain with…
  • Types of Diabetic Neuropathy
    There are four types of diabetic neuropathy. 1. Peripheral neuropathy  This presents with numbness or tingling, pain or burning sensations, loss of sensation in the feet or lower legs and sometimes in the hands or arms. This is the most common type of neuropathy that affects the peripheral nerves, most commonly the nerves of the feet and legs.  2. Proximal neuropathy  This presents with one-sided pain in the hips, weakness in the thigh muscles, weight loss, difficulty getting up…
  • Diabetic Neuropathy Risks and Causes
    Are you at risk? The following are the risk factors for Diabetic Neuropathy: Persistent hyperglycemia, HbA1c >8%, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and duration of diabetes 
  • Stock image of Diabetes text in a red circle with a red line crossed over and the overlay text diabetes prevention
    Diabetes Prevention
    Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented but onset of Type 2 diabetes in most cases may be prevented by watching your diet, managing your weight and changing your lifestyle. At the very least the progression of Type 2 diabetes can be managed. Regular screening for diabetes plays a very important role. Undergoing routine screenings for diabetes, especially if there is a family history of Type 1 / Type 2 diabetes or presence of risk factors can help detect the condition at an early stage and enable…
Does the current pharmacological agents adequately address the two hall marks of type 2 diabetes- progressive insulin deficiency and insulin resistance?. Is there a need for inclusion of non-alcoholic fatty liver and relative deficiency of gut…
I have 198FT and 270 PPT I am using Volini 0.2 mg plz suggest me better than that volini0.2 mg
1.Is type 2 diabetes, (caused by psychiatric medication) temporary How serious is the condition? 2. Can it be reversed/limited by disciplined diet control & exercise? Thanks
Some people say they check their blood sugar once a month. Some say adhoc, some say once a week Share with us if you have your own glucometer and how often you check at home and at a doc's clinic  
i have no diabetes but have family history to protect as growing age i like to take care. plz send E-book
How safe is Stevia?  Which is the best form to consume it in ?  What are the side effects ? Would love to hear about this from actual users and experts.   Thank You
Iam type 1 since 30 yr CKD with one kidney by b irth no appetite no thirst since 10 y hba1c 7 creatine 2 pl help me

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