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  • Antibiotic Resistance, a threat to Healthcare
    Antibiotic resistance or Antimicrobial resistance(AMR) is emerging as a major threat the world over. With high prevalence of infectious disease and poor health care, India is the largest consumer of antibiotics. Dr. Camilla Rodrigues, Consultant Microbiologist & Chairperson Infection Control Committee, P.D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, gives us an overview of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance, a global concern, is particularly pressing in developing nations, including India, where…
  • FDA Grants First Clearance for Patients to Perform Solo Hemodialysis at Home
    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted clearance to NxStage Medical’s System One hemodialysis device. Solo Home Hemodialysis The FDA expanded the indication for the NxStage Medical System One to include solo home hemodialysis. However, the patient must remain awake, reported medGadget. Physicians must prescribe the machine for patients to use the therapy at home. The System One is a portable device that can be placed in a room and used as directed by a physician. Risks are…
  • Image of Papads or Popaddams to show an unhealthy snack
    4 Popular Unhealthy Snacks You Really Should Limit
    Meenu Agarwal, a clinical dietitian and nutritionist based in Singapore, advises on controlling consumption of junk food to stay fit and free from ailments like diabetes, cholesterol, acidity, hypertension and other complications and offers healthier options. Junk food is defined as “any food, which is low in essential nutrients and high in everything else - calories and sodium". Junk foods contain little or no proteins, vitamins or minerals but are rich in salt, sugar, fats and are high in…
  • Does Targeted Cancer Drug Work?
    A clinical trial update on long term research carried out on patients with advanced gastro intestinal stromal tumours 10% of patients with advanced and aggressive GIST cancer have survived more than 10 years after treatment with one of the first successful targeted cancer drugs. They are living free of any progression of their cancer. These are based on long-term results from a major international clinical trial of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) a decade after…
  • What is the connection between Diabetes and Diarrhea?
    Diabetic diarrhoea commonly occurs in people with poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetes and can pose several challenges related to bowel movement, including constipation and fecal incontinence. Dr Shital Raval gives an overview. Diarrhea is a common and bothersome complication of diabetes. It is commonly seen in diabetic patients who have poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetes and also a history of peripheral and autonomic neuropathy. The diarrhea comes and goes with periods of…
  • A woman outdoors in tights and running shoes holding her calf
    Leg Cramps - Causes and Prevention Tips
    Do you sometimes get sudden cramps in your calf or toe muscles? Dr. Shital Raval explains the causes and tips to get rid of leg cramps and to prevent them  Leg cramps or Charley horse (term used mainly in Canada and the US) is a common but harmless condition experienced by most individuals. These are sudden painful contractions of the leg muscles often in the calf area. They can last for seconds to a few minutes and rarely last more than 10 minutes. हिंदी में पढ़ें: पैर में ऐंठन -…
  • Stock pic of a young woman in a white tanktop behind a table of fruits and vegetables and holding up a glass of water
    A Healthy Gut for a Happy State of Mind
    By maintaining a healthy gut or gastrointestinal tract, you can ward off a host of uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, flatulence and constipation and conditions like bowel cancer, Depression and IBS. Tips from Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju. The importance of gut health Gut health is important. The health of the body starts with the gut to help reduce the risk of conditions like bowel cancer, constipation, etc. The food you consume is broken down to fats, proteins, and simple carbohydrates…
  • Heartburn Drugs that link to Higher Risk of Early Death - New Study
     A new study published in the journal BMJ Open compared the health outcomes of people prescribed Proton Pump Inhibitors(PPI) and H2 blockers for Heartburn/Acid Reflux and this is what they found. The people who were prescribed PPIs (for eg. esomeprazole, or Nexium, and lansoprazole, or Prevacid) had a 25% higher risk of dying during the study period than those who took the H2 blockers (such as famotidine, or Pepcid, and ranitidine, or Zantac) In a new study published in the journal…
  • Importance of Diet Control for Autism
    Saswati Singh, Trustee member with Navprerna Foundations, a welfare organisation for the training and rehabilitation of persons with Autism and other developmental disabilities, talks about how important food intake can be for people with autism as well as other disabilities Autism is a developmental disorder, which affects social skills, communication, thought and behaviour. This is more of a neuro-physiological disorder and affected persons have difficulty in processing and integrating…
  • Why is Blood Calcium Level Important?
    This time in our Health by Numbers/Medical Tests series, Dr Shital Raval takes a look at the importance of Calcium levels in the metabolic panel. Read the previous parts on Sodium Levels, Potassium Levels and Chloride Levels CALCIUM: Calcium is an important component of our bones, teeth, nerve cells and organs such as heart and kidneys. A blood calcium test is ordered if there are any symptoms of any bone or neurological disorders, kidney stones etc or can be a part of a Comprehensive…
Urinary tract
I am a Chrorn's disease patient for last two years in addition to diabetics, bp and cholostrol for around 16 years. I expect some good advice. Thanking You sureshvskumar
Having gas and loose motions stomach bloating since 2 months. Immunity has been good Slight liver and prostate enlargement
Hi, I am suffering from indigestion since last 11 years, after I eat anything a light pain start in my stomach and within an hour I have to go to the restroom and I get relief, I have taken numerous medicines from Allopathy, Ayurved, Homeopathy with…
We received a question from one of our community members. She says  I was diagnosed with 6mm multiple gall bladder stones last year i.e. march2015. I have taken ayurvedic treatment but still have stones.  
Can we drink 1/2 liter of water at once many times a day? Will it cause kidney damage? Because one of my frnd said drink less amount of water many times a day, drinking about 1/2 liter may cause sudden increased work to kidneys and it may harm them…
Why would a person develop kidney stones frequently? Is this a sign of some deeper problem? Can stress and overwork cause this?
Question from one of our members. Please help 1. cold sensitive stomach: my stomach is become very sensitive to cold when i take any type of cold food material . stomach irritate me to vomit it .i.e. whenever i take ice cream, juice cold water after…

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