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  • 11 Questions That You Always Wanted to Ask the Urologist
    Dr Vinit Shah, an eminent Urologist from Mumbai, helps us understand frequently asked concerns about urology and men’s health. What are the five most common urological conditions you see in daily practice? The commonest problems we seen in our daily practice are prostate, stones, urinary infections, urinary incontinence and male sexual problems. What are the different causative factors of infertility? Male infertility can have several factors. You can have pre-testicular causes due to hormonal…
  • Do You Need the Serum Chloride Test?
    This time in our Health by Numbers/Medical Tests series, Dr Shital Raval takes a look at the importance of Chloride levels in the electrolyte panel. Read the first part on Sodium Levels and second part on Potassium Levels An electrolyte panel is a blood test that measures the common minerals in the body such as sodium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. Electrolytes are essential for the proper functioning of the heart, muscles and brain as they are needed to…
  • Why is Potassium Level Important?
    This time in our Health by Numbers/Medical Tests series, Dr Shital Raval takes a look at the importance of Potassium levels in the electrolyte panel. Read the first part on Sodium Levels  POTASSIUM: Potassium is both a mineral and electrolyte. It is important for heart, muscle, digestive and nerve functioning.  The potassium test is often part of a routine or done to check on the electrolyte balance of the body. The best sources of potassium are: Leafy greens such as swiss chard,…
  • The Importance of Electrolyte Balance - Sodium
    This time in our Health by Numbers/Medical Tests series, Dr Shital Patel takes a look at our electrolyte levels in our blood. An electrolyte imbalance, commonly caused by loss of body fluids through prolonged vomiting, diarrhoea, sweating or high fever, can result in various health disorders, like restlessness, anxiety, kidney diseases or even cardiac arrest. An Electrolyte Panel is a blood test that measures the common minerals in the body such as sodium, calcium, chloride, magnesium,…
  • What does NAFLD mean for people with diabetes or hypertension?
    WORLD LIVER DAY Did you know Type 2 diabetes (T2D), insulin resistance, obesity, metabolic syndrome and NAFLD (Non Alchoholic Fatty Liver Disease) are particularly closely related? Dr Parijat Gupte, Consultant Hepatologist or Liver Specialist, provides us with a basic knowledge on NAFLD and what it can signify. What Is NAFLD? In simple terms, NAFLD or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is abnormal or excess accumulation of fat in the liver. Normally, liver does not contain more than 0-5% fat.…
  • 10 Diet Tips to Prevent Gout Attack
    A simple change in the type of foods consumed can reduce the frequency and severity of gout. Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju recommends a gout-friendly diet that that will help you avoid pain, swelling and tenderness in the joints and keep major flare ups in control. Gout is a type of arthritis, typically caused by a build-up of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid normally dissolves in the blood and gets excreted by the kidneys. When the body makes extra uric acid and the kidneys cannot excrete…
  • Image: A man looking at his foot which has gout symptoms
    Frequently Asked Questions on Gout
    Most of us are familiar with the term Gout without being aware of its full implications. This FAQ briefs us about all that we need to know about the condition and how we can tackle it, should we be affected. 1.  What is Gout? Gout is a kind of arthritis where uric acid gets deposited in the joints and soft tissues. This, in turn, causes inflammation with redness, swelling, heat, pain and stiffness in the affected joint. Since the foot has numerous joints, the big toe is primarily affected…
  • How to Avoid Dialysis and Kidney Failure
    It is estimated that about 2 lakh (200,000) new patients develop end-stage kidney failure every year in India. Dialysis can extend their life, but the treatment can be demanding and disruptive. Dr. Jyotsna Zope, a senior consultant Nephrologist gives us an overview about dialysis and advices ways to prevent kidney problems and diseases. What is dialysis? Dialysis is a procedure by which waste product and excess water are removed from the body. The waste products (‘Uremic toxins’) are the end…
  • Life will only get you down if you focus on the negatives
    61 year old Mdm Ruhaya is lovingly referred to as ‘sayang’ by the nurses here at KDF. With a characteristic twinkle in her eye and a warm chatty personality, one would not guess that she is a kidney failure patient. Mdm Ruhaya stays positive despite her illness and says that she has learnt to adapt to the hardships she faces by choosing to focus on the simple joys of everyday life. However, she acknowledges that life has been exceptionally cruel to her over the years. At a young age she not…
  • A person at the gym lifting weight while looking at the mirror
    Perils of Body Weight Going Up and Down Rapidly
    When actors go through phases of rapid weight gain to rapid weight loss in preparation for film roles, many eyebrows are often raised among health professionals. Dr Shital Raval lists out reasons why it is medically dangerous and unhealthy of such yo-yoing. Imagine going from 68 kg to 93 kg in six months and then back again to original size. Well...That’s what actor Aamir Khan did recently oscillating from rapid weight gain to rapid weight loss. While Khan’s bulging - thinning programme…
Urinary tract
I am a Chrorn's disease patient for last two years in addition to diabetics, bp and cholostrol for around 16 years. I expect some good advice. Thanking You sureshvskumar
Having gas and loose motions stomach bloating since 2 months. Immunity has been good Slight liver and prostate enlargement
Hi, I am suffering from indigestion since last 11 years, after I eat anything a light pain start in my stomach and within an hour I have to go to the restroom and I get relief, I have taken numerous medicines from Allopathy, Ayurved, Homeopathy with…
We received a question from one of our community members. She says  I was diagnosed with 6mm multiple gall bladder stones last year i.e. march2015. I have taken ayurvedic treatment but still have stones.  
Can we drink 1/2 liter of water at once many times a day? Will it cause kidney damage? Because one of my frnd said drink less amount of water many times a day, drinking about 1/2 liter may cause sudden increased work to kidneys and it may harm them…
Why would a person develop kidney stones frequently? Is this a sign of some deeper problem? Can stress and overwork cause this?
Question from one of our members. Please help 1. cold sensitive stomach: my stomach is become very sensitive to cold when i take any type of cold food material . stomach irritate me to vomit it .i.e. whenever i take ice cream, juice cold water after…

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