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  • Neuropathy
    Neuropathy (also known as Peripheral neuropathy) is a condition wherein the nerves of the body are damaged (from injury or disease) and thus fail to function normally. This affects the communication between the nerves and the brain. It is a fairly common condition and can affect people of all ages. It is however, more common in men and the elderly, and those with a family history of inherited neuropathy.
Submitted by PatientsEngage on 16 November 2019

Lifestyle changes can prevent risk factors that are likely to induce neuropathy; these include smoking and alcohol cessation, avoiding exposure to toxins, losing weight, eating healthy and correct vitamin deficiencies. If you have a known chronic kidney, systemic or autoimmune disease, make sure to keep it under check. For diabetics, tight control of blood sugar level and daily foot care can be very advantageous. Early recognition and treatment of neuropathy can slow down progression and even reverse the neuropathy. Hence if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned here, inform your doctor right away and get it looked at.


  1. Neuropathy.
  2. Ginsberg L. et al. Nerve Biopsy: How to do it. Practical Neurology, 2003, 3, 306-313. Doi:
  3. Peripheral Neuropathy Fact sheet.
  4. Peripheral neuropathy:


  • Causes And Risk Factors of Neuropathy
    Injury is the most common cause of nerve trauma from accidents, falls, medical procedures, recurring pressureon a nerve etc. Other causes for nerve injury include slipped discs, broken bones, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, ligament/tendon problems etc. Diabetes is the foremost cause of polyneuropathy seen in 60-70% of diabetic patients. Studies show that high blood sugar levels slowly damage the nerves and the blood vessels that supply the nerves with oxygen. Poor glycemic control is the…
  • Neuropathy
    Overview of Neuropathy
    Neuropathy (also known as Peripheral neuropathy) is a condition wherein the nerves of the body are damaged (from injury or disease) and thus fail to function normally. This affects the communication between the nerves and the brain. It is a fairly common condition and can affect people of all ages. It is however, more common in men and the elderly, and those with a family history of inherited neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is not a single condition but an umbrella term for several disorders…