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  • Cancer

    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and caregivers in their journey  

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    Prostate Cancer Stages
    Stages of prostate cancer                                      In stage I-Cancer is found in the prostate only                                        In stage II-Cancer is more advanced than in stage I, but has not spread outside the prostate.               …
  • CYRAMZA now approved both as a single-agent treatment and in combination with chemotherapy
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved CYRAMZA® (ramucirumab) in combination with paclitaxel (a type of chemotherapy) as a treatment for people with advanced or metastatic gastric (stomach) or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma whose cancer has progressed on or after prior fluoropyrimidine- or platinum-containing chemotherapy. CYRAMZA now has two FDA approvals for these patients. Today's announcement follows the April approval of CYRAMZA as a…
  • Smoking causes lung cancer and...17 other cancers including bladder cancer
    More than half of bladder cancers in the US are the result of smoking, and 90 per cent of smokers with the disease are aware of the connection, according to a new study. "Bladder cancer is actually the second most common smoking-related cancer, second only to lung," said lead author Dr. Jeffrey C. Bassett of Kaiser Permanente Southern California in Anaheim. Although previous studies had suggested that few people understood the connection between bladder cancer and tobacco, this new study found…
  • The “Spa” effect of chemotherapy
    Minakshi Ray talks about her experience – the weird and the wonderful - while being treated for breast cancer.  I was scheduled for my first chemotherapy session on April 17, 2013. Even though I believe “ignorance is bliss” sometimes, and I dared not search for information on side effects on the all-pervasive Google, it was difficult to shield myself from information overload on the matter from sources primary, secondary and tertiary! Full of apprehension, I checked…
  • Why Meditation and Yoga Are Recommended for Breast Cancer
    Non-invasive alternative therapies can clear an anxious mind Up to 80% of American patients with breast cancer will undergo complementary therapies to manage anxiety and stress after they receive a diagnosis. Though there’s no clear consensus on which integrative and alternative therapies work and which are ineffective, more and more medical practices have incorporated practices like mindfulness and acupuncture into their offerings. But a new study published in the Journal of the…
  • Right-to-die advocate Brittany Maynard ends life
    Brittany Maynard, the terminally ill cancer patient whose viral YouTube video reignited the debate on assisted-suicide, ended her life on Saturday. Bioethicist Arthur L Caplan says that Ms Maynard's story has the potential to change the way many people - particularly younger Americans - view the issue. "I am terrified to think that my children will grow up in a culture that openly venerates suicide with this much unyielding passion” "A whole new generation is now looking at Brittany…
  • 3 As for Breast Cancer Recovery
    Plus other tips that got me through. A breast cancer survivor from Delhi shares. Diet 3As - Apple, Anar (pomegranate), Amla (gooseberry) Wheatgrass (if you can manage) Broccoli Do not eat fried and fatty food  If you go out once in a while, eat without making a fuss - so you don't get isolated Eat even if you don't feel like it Mental wellbeing Read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Make a list of things you want to do - think forward into the future (even a child's wedding) Physical…
  • Red meat consumption in young women increases breast cancer risk
    In conclusion, higher consumption of red meat during adolescence was associated with premenopausal breast cancer. Substituting other dietary protein sources for red meat in adolescent diet may decrease premenopausal breast cancer risk. The breast is particularly vulnerable to carcinogenic influences during adolescence due to rapid proliferation of mammary cells and lack of terminal differentiation. We investigated consumption of adolescent red meat and other protein sources in relation to…
  • Mind over body...
    Minakshi Ray on her battle with breast cancer and what it took to win.  “Life is like a game in the boxing ring. Defeat is not declared till you refuse to get up” The line pretty much defines me – I am generally known as a very positive person among my friends and family and staunchly believe that the Almighty helps those who decide to help themselves! On a cold January morning last year, the doctor handed over the biopsy report of the breast lump to my husband with a little…
  • Parents deny girls cancer treatment, say doctors
    Cancer Institute chairperson Dr V Shanta expressed concern over underreporting of cancer among children, especially in rural areas. Advances in oncology over the past six decades have ensured that up to 75 % of all paediatric cancers can be cured. While it is possible to treat all pediatric cases in the country, there is a need to increase affordability and accessibility for the same," she said.…
This study compared the outcome of low-dose rate brachytherapy (LDR-BT) and image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IG-IMRT) for localized prostate cancer of different severities. With/ without External Beam RadioTherapy.  Five year…
While this is not definitive and it is a small sample size, its still a strong indicator. Its also worrying that those who chose alternatives tended to be younger women with more education and more money…
Do you struggle to get accepted back at work? Do you struggle with little issues like going out with colleagues, work related travel, side effects of treatment, fatigue, anxiety?…
My father aged 86 yrs is detected with AML. I find from net that lemon with baking soda prevents growth of cancer. Is that correct? At present he is undergoing chemo.  
Cancer brings in a lot of anxiety for the patient and for the family. What are some of the ways you coped with the anxiety?
I came upon these two articles and thought it is worth sharing them. What's been your experience? What would you recommend to people in this situation? It could be you, it could be your colleague. Do share your experience and thoughts
Whats been bothering you in the last week ? Did you have a happy event ? Would you like to share ?
This is such a difficult subject for so many mothers. Here is what Joan Lunden did ..What would you do ?  

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