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  • Diabetes

    Pre-diabetes, Type 1, Type 2, Gestational, Complications, Diet and Nutrition, Yoga for Diabetes, Personal stories, News and Views, Discussions. Focus on Prevention and Management

  • An elderly man on the floor, being assisted by a woman, with his cane on the floor next to him and text overlay on blue strip Causes of Falls in Elderly
    Causes of Falls in Older Adults
    The demographic of the world's population is shifting towards older age groups. The prevalence of falls and associated injuries and morbidity is on the rise, posing a significant global challenge. Knowing the causes of falls in elderly can help create awareness and aid prevention. Let’s find out a bit more about the causes of falls in elderly.  Professor Bernard Isaacs, a giant in geriatric medicine said, ‘It takes a child one year to acquire independent movement and ten years to acquire…
  • Pic of the author Marianne holding her book and the text My CGM experience on the side
    CGM with an Active Lifestyle
    Marianne de Nazareth who has lived with and managed diabetes for a long time, decided to try out the latest technology for diabetes management, the CGM or Continuous Glucose Monitor. She shares her experience here.  So here I was enjoying the company of 10 other writers in the friend's home one evening, when I noticed one of them kept touching her arm with her phone and only then agreeing to a drink or indulge in a snack. She told me - a person with long term diabetes about Continuous…
  • Pictures of Dr. Usha Sriram and Dr. Gita Arjun and the text Diabetes During Pregnancy
    गर्भावस्था के दौरान मधुमेह: कुछ आवश्यक जानकारी
    भारत में मधुमेह एक बढ़ती हुई चिंता का विषय है, और यह युवाओं में और विशेषकर गर्भावस्था के दौरान महिलाओं में भी देखा जा रहा है। डॉ. उषा श्रीराम (एंडोक्रिनोलॉजिस्ट, दिवास एनजीओ की संस्थापक) और डॉ. गीता अर्जुन (ओब्गिन, डायरेक्टर, ईवी कल्याणी मेडिकल फाउंडेशन) के साथ वेबिनार चर्चा पर आधारित इस लेख में आपको गर्भावस्था के दौरान होने वाले मधुमेह और इसके प्रबंधन को समझने में मदद मिलेगी। गर्भकालीन मधुमेह (गेस्टेशनल डाइअबीटीज़) क्या है? जब किसी भी प्रकार के मधुमेह का सबसे पहले निदान गर्भावस्था के दौरान किया…
  • Pictures of Dr. Usha Sriram Dr Tarakeswari and Dr Shital Patel and the text Gestational Diabetes and Post Delivery Care
    Gestational Diabetes and Post-Delivery Care
    Dr. Tarakeswari S. (MD ObGyn, Senior Consultant & Head – Obstetric Medicine Unit at Fernandez Hospital), Dr. Usha Sriram (Endocrinologist, Founder of Diwas NGO) & Dr. Shital Patel (Lactation Counselor and Medical Advisor at PatientsEngage) help us understand Gestational diabetes and post-partum or post-delivery care for better management of consequences. As we all know Gestational diabetes or Diabetes during pregnancy needs to be diagnosed on time and careful monitoring is required…
  • Pictures of Dr. Usha Sriram and Dr. Gita Arjun and the text Diabetes During Pregnancy
    Diabetes during Pregnancy: What You Must Know
    Diabetes is a growing concern in India, affecting younger people especially women during pregnancy. This article based on the webinar discussion with Dr. Usha Sriram (Endocrinologist, Founder of Diwas NGO) & Dr. Gita Arjun (Obgyn, Director, E V Kalyani Medical Foundation) helps us understand diabetes and its management during pregnancy. What is Gestational Diabetes? Any type of Diabetes first diagnosed during pregnancy is known as Gestational Diabetes. It can be of two types.…
  • Profile picture of the author Usha Jesudasan at a desk with the text overlay on blue strip Exercise Mind, Body and Soul
    Exercising and Moving As We Grow Older
    Author-writer Usha Jesudasan, 70, has lived with polio since she was two years old. She shares how her relationship with exercise has changed over the years and why we must exercise the body, mind and soul. My mother said that I could walk when I was just eleven months old and run by the time I turned one year. ‘I was so proud that you could do these things earlier than your cousins. Your chubby little legs going pat pat pat on the ground when the others were just learning to stand.’ ‘But then…
  • लेखक अंजना त्रिपाठी की छवि उनके पुस्तक कवर के साथ Composite Image of the author anjana tripathi with her book cover
    बच्चे का पालन-पोषण सकारात्मक और शांत रहकर करें
    जब अंजना त्रिपाठी की 14 साल की बेटी के टाइप 1 डायबिटीज़ (मधुमेह) का पता चला तो उन्हें बहुत बड़ा धक्का लगा। इस स्थिति के लिए आवश्यक समायोजन करने के लिए उन्हें बहुत बड़े बदलाव करने पड़े। अंजनाजी इस लेख में साझा करती हैं कि उनके परिवार ने इस स्थिति में किस तरह की चुनौतियों से जूझना पड़ा। उन्होंने अपने अनुभवों को एक अच्छी तरह से शोधित पुस्तक में भी प्रस्तुत करा है। कृपया हमें अपनी बेटी की स्थिति के बारे में बताएं। उसका निदान कब किया गया था? उसकी आयु कितनी थी? मेरी बेटी दैनिक रूप से टाइप 1 डायबिटीज…
  • Stock image that shows dumbbells, a head set and phone, and running shoes on a pink mat with text overlay Diabetes and Exercise and PatientsEngage logo
    Best Exercise Options For Persons With Diabetes
    Exercise is an integral component of diabetes management. Exercise can be varied and fun. Understand the various types of exercise available and how to make the best choice for you. Exercise is an essential part of daily life for persons (Individuals) with Diabetes. It has many benefits such as lowering blood sugar levels, keeps cholesterol and blood pressure values under control, keeping the heart healthy, improves blood flow, provide strength to muscles and bones, elevates mood and improves…
  • A graphic of a man in despair against a rollercoaster in the background, diabetes ribbon and patientsengage logo and text overlay of Diabetes: Emotional Rollercoaster
    Overcoming The Emotional Rollercoaster Of Diabetes
    NR* an ex-athlete, 60+ year old ex-consultant was diagnosed with diabetes 23 years ago. While his diabetes is under control with oral medication, his journey has been replete with ups and downs. In this article, he shares the highlights of his journey, his current state and set of actions, with special focus on his challenges with his emotions and how they impacted his ability to act constructively​.   Trigger Warning: Some parts of the narrative may be triggering for some persons…
  • A profile picture of Aubrey Millet in a blue shirt framed in blue with a blue diabetes ribbon and patientsengage logo and the text I controlled my diabetes
    My Taste Buds Have Got Used To No Sugars
    Aubrey Millet, 75, achieved remission from type 2 diabetes over two years ago. Here we catch up with him again to find out how he continues to maintain a strict control on his diet and abstains from all forms of sweets.     You have been able to successfully maintain normal blood sugar levels without medication for over two years now. You must be feeling gratified and thankful? It has been two-and-a-half years since I have successfully reversed my diabetes. I am extremely…
is it possible that diabetes patients get preganant without complication???
How to gain weight in diabetes
Normally how to detect diabetes
Hi.. I am 26yr old. Body type is lean and 5'4ft.. my fasting blood sugar stays around 70 to 80. Should I be concerned about the same?
I hv fasting reading 113 my h1bca 7.5
  Insulin & Medicine dependent Diabet. Is Diabet reversible?    
I am 6 months pregnant and suffering from Diabetes ,had a GCT done the test reports are positive. The Fasting is 106mg/dl and the test after taking 50gm Gulucose after 1 hr  is 180mg/dl. Please advice how to prevent it and does it make any…
Can I have Caledonia prunes 4 or 5 pieces every night. Is it ok for r a diabetic to have this.

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