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Alphonse Roy, Lupus and Sjogrens patient with text on blue strip : Living with invisible illnesses
Living with Lupus and Sjogrens
A. Alphonse Prabhu Roy, 60, was diagnosed at a young age with two chronic autoimmune disorders, Lupus and Sjogren’s Syndrome, with multiple complex symptoms, the most challenging being dry mouth and brain fog. Narrating his experience, he said both…
Multiple Myeloma RSB India
Cherishing Every Moment After A Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis
Rajat Subhra Biswas, 56 years old from Kolkata has lived with multiple myeloma and has even gone through a BMT surgery. He talks about his journey. I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in September 2018. I am currently in remission. What were the…
Vibha in a dress with a blue strip and the text Learn and Be Proactive
Learning To Live and Love With A Chronic Illness
Vibha Gupta, 49 originally from Delhi and now in Chicago, USA, lives with multiple chronic illnesses like Sjogren's and heart failure. She shares her journey of learning about her illness, the lifestyle changes that help her cope and why she thinks…
Profile picture of the author Rajeev with a blue strip and overlay text Living with Parkinson's Surprises
Are Violent Dreams or Facial Masking Signs of Parkinson's?
Rajeev K Gupta, who lives with Parkinson’s, recounts his own experiences with many surprising and not so well-known non-motor symptoms of PD like sleep behaviour disorders which can be a nightmare and others like facial masking, speech problems,…
Picture of Harvinder, Leukemia patient on left in pink shirt and red mask and Vivek the Medical Social Worker in a checked shirt and text overlay on blue strip Second Lease of Life
Teamwork Enabled Recovery Over Aggressive Leukemia
Harvinder Kumar, a 33-year-old farmer from Aligarh, diagnosed with acute promyleocytic leukemia, was brought in a critical state to AIIMS Hospital, Delhi. With timely medical attention, he was given a second lease of life. Read about the teamwork…
Usha Jesudasan in a white kurta standing in front of her door with an assistive device that helps her stay mobile. PatientsEngage logo on top left and Text overlay on blue band - Making Each Day Count
Focusing On Quality Of Life Now
Usha Jesudasan, a prolific writer of deeply motivational books and articles, affected by polio, diabetes and breast cancer, started using a wheelchair recently after a very active life. On her eighth breast cancer anniversary, she builds hope from…
A woman in a fuchsia pyjama suit and text overlay of My Guillian-Barre Syndrome Recovery
A Rare Nerve Disorder Suddenly Paralysed My Legs And My Life!
Anita Mody, an active grandmother and housewife wakes up one day with suspicious pain in her legs. A week later, she is unable to walk, move or feel her legs. A rare and progressive nerve disorder called Guillian-Barre Syndrome changes her life with…
World Down Syndrome Day 2023 With us not for us with names and profile pictures of the 5 contributors
People With Down Syndrome Want More Opportunities, Inclusion
We speak to a few young adults with Down Syndrome who voice their opinion on World Down Syndrome Day 2023. The theme for 2023 ‘With Us Not For Us’ champions that people with disabilities have the right to be treated fairly and have the same…
A woman in a white shirt and black skirt standing in a wine store and text overlay Lets talk of menopause on a blue strip
Coping With Early Onset Menopause
Monica Patel, 52 from San Jose, California talks about her ordeal with early onset menopause, a history of cysts and fibroids and how she handles the complications of menopause I would like to talk about all three phases perimenopause, menopause and…