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  • Cancer

    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and caregivers in their journey  

  • A woman, a cancer survivor of cervical and colorectal cancers sitting on a sofa
    Ten Years After Cervical Cancer
    B V Lakshmi, a resident of USA, reflects on her decade long journey with three cancers - cervix cancer, colon cancer and rectum cancer, living with the complexities of the ileostomy bag and discovering the healing power of the mind. Read about how she embraced change and positivity. My Childhood… I grew up in India, traditionally in a vegetarian family. Both my paternal and maternal grandparents were aligned with nature and ate what nature gave them, so we were also taught the same things. I…
  • Woman with metastatic breast cancer with her husband and daughter
    It's Not The End Until You Say It Is, Even If Its Metastatic Breast Cancer
    Rucha Ambe, has spent the last 3 years battling Breast Cancer multiple times. She talks about how it has impacted her and how her family and friends have rallied around to support her. Can you give us a quick synopsis of your breast cancer occurrences - initial symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. First Breast Cancer Diagnosis In end Dec 2017 I was diagnosed with Stage 3B breast cancer which was triple positive (HER2 ER/PR positive).  Apart from a lump in my breast that kept slowly but surely…
  • Managing the Side-effects of Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer
    Dr Vani Parmar, Professor, Surgical Oncology, Breast Services, ACTREC had joined a webinar conducted by PatientsEngage on the management of side effects of hormone therapy for Breast Cancer. Here is a synopsis of some of the key points made by her. The link to the complete video recording is below. Do watch it to listen to Dr. Vani Parmar but also the breast cancer patient Mamta Goenka and Tulsi Chikhal.   1.   When is hormone therapy advised for Breast Cancer…
  • Prostate Cancer and depression
    Accept Your Prostate Cancer Diagnosis And Understand What's Ahead Of You
    Dr. Prabodh Shah, 81 shares his journey with Prostate Cancer, his initial symptoms of problems in urination, seeking help promptly, how he managed side effects of the treatment. He candidly talks about how he struggled and coped with depression and his exercise routine that has helped him regain strength. Diagnosis: The first and only symptom I noticed was that I could not urinate like before. It would take a long time to empty my bladder. Sometimes, it would take me 30-60 seconds. As a result…
  • WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Caregiving For Head and Neck Patients
    Cancer Power Circle brings you a informative, insightful, emotional yet full of practical tips from three spouses of Head and Neck cancer patients. And a wish to stop Tobacco usage. Dealing with Head and Neck Cancers is difficult for patients and their families. There are also unique challenges that families of patients with Head and Neck cancers have to navigate. As part of our Cancer Power Circle webinar series we speak with spouses of 3 Head and Neck cancer patients. They will talk about the…
  • A woman in a red kurta and white pants sitting with 3 dogs
    Breast Cancer Helped Put Things in Perspective
    Sharon, 42 talks about the various facets of work, life and relationships after breast cancer. She shares her journey of working through cancer, what worked for her in job interviews and how cancer has changed her lifestyle and priorities. I was diagnosed with Breast cancer in 2015, when I was 37 years old. It was stage 2B and I underwent the recommended Surgery (lumpectomy), Chemo, and Radiation therapy. Lastly, I was on Herceptin and by June 2016 I had completed the entire course of treatment…
  • Havovi who talks about her endometrial cancer seated in a red dress with a red mantel piece behind her
    "How Would I Tell My Children About My Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis"
    Havovi Bharucha, 53 neglected her symptoms and her health while grieving the loss of her husband and being a caregiver to her mother and an aged pet. By the time she sought help, she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Endometrial Cancer. She is a reminder to each one of us to be vigilant about our health. For almost a year, I would get spotting between my periods. I dismissed it thinking it was due to approaching menopause. A year ago, I had lost my husband to liver cancer. Since then I had been…
  • It Is Tough To Ignore The Real Fear Of Relapse
    Anjali Sen, 47 from Mumbai was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2019. She talks about dealing with the confusion of treatment approaches, the constant fear of relapse, and finding help with online meditation solutions. When were you first diagnosed with breast cancer? I was diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma on my left breast in June 2019. What were the early symptoms? What made you go see a doctor? Early in 2019, I felt a lump in the left breast while changing. During periods,…
  • Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy - Symptoms and Management
    The prevalence of Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) is as high as 68% of all patients and 30% even six months after chemotherapy. It is important to understand the cause and find ways to deal with the pain. Caregivers should not dismiss the pain. Dr. Shital Raval explains CIPN, the symptoms and approaches for management of CIPN.   When the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are affected or damaged, it causes a condition called peripheral neuropathy. While…
  • ALK Lung Cancer Patients Work Together To Increase Life Expectancy
    Shiba Suresh, who was diagnosed with Stage IV ALK mutation lung cancer, was immediately started with targeted therapy. Here she states she has responded well to her medications and considers herself lucky that she can live longer. We have beautiful weather in December in Kochi. It is the perfect time for gardening. I excitedly bought some flowering plants of adenium, petunia, dianthus and roses for my home and got busy for a couple of days planting and pruning them. I must have strained myself…
This study compared the outcome of low-dose rate brachytherapy (LDR-BT) and image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IG-IMRT) for localized prostate cancer of different severities. With/ without External Beam RadioTherapy.  Five year…
While this is not definitive and it is a small sample size, its still a strong indicator. Its also worrying that those who chose alternatives tended to be younger women with more education and more money…
Do you struggle to get accepted back at work? Do you struggle with little issues like going out with colleagues, work related travel, side effects of treatment, fatigue, anxiety?…
My father aged 86 yrs is detected with AML. I find from net that lemon with baking soda prevents growth of cancer. Is that correct? At present he is undergoing chemo.  
Cancer brings in a lot of anxiety for the patient and for the family. What are some of the ways you coped with the anxiety?
I came upon these two articles and thought it is worth sharing them. What's been your experience? What would you recommend to people in this situation? It could be you, it could be your colleague. Do share your experience and thoughts
Whats been bothering you in the last week ? Did you have a happy event ? Would you like to share ?
This is such a difficult subject for so many mothers. Here is what Joan Lunden did ..What would you do ?  

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