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  • Caregiver Community

    A place where Caregivers come together to share common experiences, challenges,and resources. 

    Caregivers are truly experts in patient management and can help each other because of their intensive experience in patient care at home. Caregivers can ask questions to others on this forum going through a similar caregiving experiences. They can start topics and discuss things like ways to manage daily tasks, where to find doctors, nurses, and other health services, how they manage stress, and any other topics related to caring for their loved one and for themselves. It is a great place for Caregivers to come and chat about the issues that affect them on a day to day basis and take time to focus on their own needs and health.

  • Accessibility For All at Vaccess Expo
    By  Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan, a Special Educator and Rehabilitation Specialist Vaccess, a two day Expo, represents Vidya Sagar, a Chennai centre for the disabled, and its constant and persistent efforts towards Accessibility for people with disabilities. As the founder Poonam Natarajan put it so crisply, “In the past, this was understood only as the need for physical access. It meant building ramps, railings and pathways for people with visual impairments, special features in toilets,…
  • Nutrition in Parkinson’s Disease
    Most of us know that Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that affects our body movement. The disease progresses slowly and gradually the quality of life is affected. The rate of progression generally varies from person to person and is very individualized. As is the case with most diseases, medication is prescribed to control the progression of the disease. Nutrition is particularly important in Parkinson’s disease for many reasons:  The disorder itself slows transition through…
  • Diet Modifications for the Elderly
    When your loved ones age, it becomes vital to address the right diet for them, because more often than not, improper food intake causes a lot of stress and discomfort. Dr Bhuvaneswari puts together some simple tips from her experiences as a primary caregiver for her parents. Changing the diet patterns for the elderly in the Indian context needs a proper looking into as it addresses a few common problems that the elderly tend to face : 1.  Loss of teeth:  This naturally takes away the…
  • An elderly person on a wheelchair looking out to the lake with a male caregiver standing next to him
    20 Tips For Handling Hospital Stays and Medical Emergencies
    Sangeeta is a blogger who instills rare insight into her role of a caregiver. She not only chronicles the various methods which work for her father, who has Parkinson's, Dementia and Diplopia, but she backs it up with profound logic and common sense. The best part of her blog is her all-pervading humour which gives such a bitter sweet taste to her snippets of caregiving. Here are her top tips for handling medical emergencies and hospital stays.  My father  Anna was in a hospital for…
  • Mental Health Care Bill 2013: Favourable or Flawed?
    The Mental Health Care Bill, 2013 passed by Rajya Sabha recently has triggered an avalanche of reactions and opinions. While some have hailed it as a ‘landmark’ Bill with many progressive clauses, others have lambasted it fiercely and dubbed it ‘Politics of Health’ that has nothing to do with care. We bring you four key perspectives of Government, Caregiver, Medical profession and Patient to help you deduce fair evaluation and assessment. 1) Government The Mental Health…
  • Losing A Loved One – Dealing With Death And Loss
    Losing a loved one especially after a long period of caregiving can be distressing and leave you with a range of different and conflicting emotions. This article by PDMDS suggests six ways to deal with grief and loss.   Losing someone close to you is extremely distressing. That loss also signifies the end of your caregiver role which may create feelings of emptiness. How you cope with the demise of the person you cared for is a very personal thing. Remember, there is no right or wrong…
  • Fall Proofing the Home for Older Adults
    Falls are probably the number one cause of injuries in seniors resulting in high medical and rehabilitative costs. Porrselvi A.P. a cognitive and psychosocial interventions specialist, offers valuable tips and suggestions for preventing falls at home, from installing handrails and anti-skid mats to decluttering the house and wearing sturdy footwear. Falls can lead to avoidable hospital admissions and the associated complications for elderly with a good health status as well as those older…
  • Assistance Dogs Help People See Past The Disability
    Says Shirin Merchant, India’s pioneering canine behaviourist and trainer, while talking about assistance dogs, a relatively new concept in India, where dogs are specially trained to perform a range of tasks to assist individuals with disability. How and when did you become a canine behaviourist and trainer? My journey as a dog trainer and behaviourist started in 1995. What is an assistance dog and what is it trained to do? It is very difficult for an able-bodied person to imagine the…
  • My Father - My Best Friend, Philosopher and Guide
    A freak accident turned a bright, bubbling Preethi Srinivasan into a quadriplegic overnight. Her struggle has also been her parents’ struggle, and the positivity she received from them keeps her going. This is her touching tribute to her late father who is still her source of strength and courage.     I'm an only child. I was born nine years after my parents were married, and that too after a great deal of prayer and penance. My father had a very macho, tough-man image, but it was, in…
  • 18 Practical Tips on Safe Hygienic Practices for Cancer Patients at Home
    Cancer patients are prone to infections and the home environment must be kept clean. Precautions to follow if they are on chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment. Dr. Shital Raval shares practical tips for cancer patients and their caregivers to follow with cancer at home.  SELF: Keep a pair of gloves handy at home and wear them to clean any spills, cleansing surfaces or disposing trash. Remember to wash hands with soap before and after wearing gloves! Use antibacterial or bleaching…
In the last couple of weeks, I have heard of two different cases in India where the hospital kept a patient in ICU on life support for weeks on end. In one case, even after the family asked for the patient to be transferred to a normal room, the…
Query from a caregiver Does anyone know a counsellor in Ahmedabad who can go to a patient's home. Patient has had a couple of strokes and even though there is no paralysis believes he is paralysed and does not use his limbs and keeps falling.…
Here is a question from one of our members: My father is 89. He used to walk regularly twice a day and used a simple walking cane. But now he has had a few falls. Doctor says he must use a cane with 4 legs(quad cane) but he refuses to do that. Now…
When treatment started failing 66 year old Siew Ching, the family became divided into different camps. Some wanted her to stay in hospital so that she could receive maximal supportive care. Others wanted her to be discharged so she could go…
My 95 year old father lives with my sister. She takes very good care of him. Normally he is fine. Can manage most daily activities with some help. But he is sometimes very paranoid about domestic helpers coming into his room and trying to harm him…
We found a great list of tips (in the link below) to help ease the challenges of being a caregiver and help caregivers with self-care - take a look at this list and share with us if you have ever used any of these and how! The tips include:…
A lack of sleep or feeling tired is one of the biggest challenges that Caregivers face. Often times we have to wake up at night to check on our loved one, or we have trouble falling asleep because our mind is preoccupied. What are some of your…
As Caregivers we often take on a lot and can get exhausted. It is important to learn how to ask for help - maybe other family members, friends, or neighbors can help take on some tasks and make life a little easier for the Caregiver. For many of us…
My MIL is a little bit over weight @ 94, and is able to walk only with a walker very slowly.She is addicted to watching TV whether she understands anything or not, but cannot sit for a long time. WE give her TV time, once a day for 2 hours. For…
I recently came across a great article that spoke about the importance of sharing caregiving duties among family or siblings. Often, the caregving duties falls upon one sibling or family member, and  this can cause resentment or…

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