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  • Reminiscence
    Imagine a time when your spouse, sibling, child, or even yourself, had to be responsible for connecting tubing and inserting needles into your arm for medical treatment. It is quite unthinkable for most of us as we are used to these procedures being done by medical professionals. But that was the situation at the Self Dependency Dialysis Unit (SDDU) at Alexandra Hospital before KDF took over its management in 1996. Mdm Tan (not her real name or picture) is one of KDF’s first patients and one of…
  • Do Not Ignore Chronic Digestive Issues!
    Diagnosed with Choledochal Cyst or a situation which causes a nagging digestive problem, Piali Syam strongly advises patients with similar issues to consult specialists and get a proper diagnosis at the earliest. Ignoring common symptoms is a huge mistake as an early treatment can also procure quick cure and comfort for the patient. Piali, please tell us a bit about your condition I have never had any major illnesses related to my digestive system prior to being diagnosed with a Choledochal…
  • Where Being Different Is Unaccepted
    “Prejudice is the child of ignorance.” ― William Hazlitt ― In a diverse and informed society like Singapore, it remains not completely uncommon to hear of instances of discrimination. While it is understandable to fear or even condemn something that is strange or new to us, we should be reminded that understanding breeds tolerance and empathy. A Gift of Life Mr S, is a dialysis patient at the San Wang Wu Ti-KDF Centre at Kreta Ayer, and he has been dialysising there for slightly over a year. He…
  • Courage Against All Odds
    Courage, as defined by the Oxford dictionary, is 'the ability to do something that frightens one' and 'strength in the face of pain or grief'. But how exactly does it show in everyday life? To Mr Neo, every waking moment entails a conscious act of courage. Courage is taking the bus alone. Courage is looking past the curious eyes and indifference of others. Courage is taking every day in stride, despite being partially blind and dependent on dialysis for life. Neo - as he amiably requests to…
  • Keeping Faith
    Mdm Zainon's life took an unexpected turn after a hit and run accident in Malaysia. She is now on daily peritoneal dialysis and her faith keeps her going through the difficult phases. Read on here:   We all imagine that when the time comes we age gracefully and naturally, surrounded by the warm and smiling faces of our children and grandchildren. We envision that life would be simpler, slower – better. So what do you do when you are aged and forced to accept that you are now a feeble…
  • Coming Full Circle
    Like any young woman, Choo Peck See, 45, had dreamed of meeting the right person someday, settling down and starting a family of her own.  It was a dream come true when she was called up to receive a kidney transplant and have a shot at a normal life. But life had other plans. Read on: Bittersweet Sixteen Mere months after completing her O-Levels and still finding her bearings in the aftermath of her mother's sudden stroke, Peck See herself showed symptoms of kidney failure. The poor…
  • 3 Simple recipes for Gastritis
    Gastritis is an irritation in the stomach as it is intolerant of different kinds of food. Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju tries to help matters by suggesting some simple recipes for light and digestible food which are easy on the stomach. It is important to see that the diet for gastritis does not include food like whole milk, garlic, chilli, coffee, tea, and other carbonated drinks that irritate the stomach wall.  Gastritis diet should focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fat-free…
  • Frequently asked Questions on Nutrition
    During National Nutrition week, we bring to you some common questions that you would like answers to. Content provided by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad. 1.  Does excessive eating of salt increase blood pressure? Yes, in certain individuals who are salt sensitive, while this does not happen in those who are salt insensitive. 2.  What are the foods to be avoided by people with High Blood Pressure? Salted snacks e.g. Potato wafers Pickles and papads Ketchups Salted meat /…
  • The importance of listening to your body
    When a woman in her third pregnancy has to go through with an ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography), it is much more of an emotional experience rather than just a physical one, even though the physical toll is severe as well. Mrs. Singhal from Mumbai shares her emotional experience with PatientsEngage. Please tell us a bit about your condition. I underwent an ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography) procedure during my third pregnancy. While I have now delivered…
  • Diet Modifications for the Elderly
    When your loved ones age, it becomes vital to address the right diet for them, because more often than not, improper food intake causes a lot of stress and discomfort. Dr Bhuvaneswari puts together some simple tips from her experiences as a primary caregiver for her parents. Changing the diet patterns for the elderly in the Indian context needs a proper looking into as it addresses a few common problems that the elderly tend to face : 1.  Loss of teeth:  This naturally takes away the…
Urinary tract
I am a Chrorn's disease patient for last two years in addition to diabetics, bp and cholostrol for around 16 years. I expect some good advice. Thanking You sureshvskumar
Having gas and loose motions stomach bloating since 2 months. Immunity has been good Slight liver and prostate enlargement
Hi, I am suffering from indigestion since last 11 years, after I eat anything a light pain start in my stomach and within an hour I have to go to the restroom and I get relief, I have taken numerous medicines from Allopathy, Ayurved, Homeopathy with…
We received a question from one of our community members. She says  I was diagnosed with 6mm multiple gall bladder stones last year i.e. march2015. I have taken ayurvedic treatment but still have stones.  
Can we drink 1/2 liter of water at once many times a day? Will it cause kidney damage? Because one of my frnd said drink less amount of water many times a day, drinking about 1/2 liter may cause sudden increased work to kidneys and it may harm them…
Why would a person develop kidney stones frequently? Is this a sign of some deeper problem? Can stress and overwork cause this?
Question from one of our members. Please help 1. cold sensitive stomach: my stomach is become very sensitive to cold when i take any type of cold food material . stomach irritate me to vomit it .i.e. whenever i take ice cream, juice cold water after…

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    This Community will address questions and discussions on all forms of Cancer. We will support each other - patients and…
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    A rare disease is any disease that affects a small percentage of the population. Most rare diseases are genetic and are…