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  • Nutty Foxtail Millet Salad
    A filling and high protein, nutritious, gluten free salad recipe with nuts and seeds that even children love. Easy to make.  Ingredients 1 cup foxtail millet (Tamil: Thinai / Telugu: Kirra / Malayalam: Thinna / Kannada: Navane/ Hindi: Kangni) ¼ cup diced onions 2 tbsps of pine nuts (any available nut such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios etc can be used.) 1 tbsp flax seeds ¼ cup sundried tomatoes (finely chopped) ¼ cup of olives (green or black) finely chopped Salt to taste Pinch of…
  • quinoa muthiya
    Muthiya With A High Protein Twist
    Looking for a high-protein and filling snack option, which you can indulge in guilt-free? Try this muthiya recipe. Typically a Gujarati (Indian) recipe, made with rice and wheat flour, here is a healthier version, which tastes as good as the classic one. The best part is, it is chock-full of ‘invisible’ vegetables. Quinoa muthiya (Makes 4 servings) Ingredients  Methi (fenugreek leaves), washed and roughly chopped – ¾ cup Grated bottle gourd/carrot – ½ cup Wholemeal flour or wholewheat…
  • This UHC day let's promote health literacy and patient involvement in clinical decision making.
    Let Us Promote Health Literacy and Patient Involvement
    When we are engaged in our own health, we ensure better quality of life. This Universal Health Coverage Day, let's Keep the Promise to Inform, Engage and Empower Patients and Caregivers This UHC day let's promote health literacy and patient involvement in clinical decision making. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #UniversalHealthCoverageDay    
  • When MediClowns Step In for Patient Care
    Medical or therapeutic clowns can bring in smiles and comfort where there is disease and trauma. The MeDiClown Academy started by Fif Fernandes and Hamish Boyd in Auroville has been bringing joy to patients and aims to create MeDiClowning as a recognised profession in India. The concept of medical clowns is still new in India. Could you tell us a little about your enterprise the MeDiClown Academy? MediClown Academy became a registered activity of the Auroville Foundation in 2013. We have…
  • We Wish You A Happy Diwali!
    Wishing good health and prosperity to all our contributors and our community and their loved ones! Happy Deepavali!  
  • Wholesome Pancakes That Children Love
    Wholesome pancakes can work on a complete meal that can be eaten for breakfast or dinner! Kids absolutely devour it and never can tell that it is a sugarless treat! Servings: 4-6 thick pancakes Ingredients ½ cup whole rolled oats ½ cup whole wheat flour I egg (for eggless option, use 2 tbsp yogurt) ¼ cup paneer or cottage cheese ½ cup of diced apples or bananas 4-6 almonds (chopped) 1 tsp of ground cinnamon 1 tsp of vanilla essence 2-3 tbsps of milk (or as required) Sprinkle of flax seeds (…
  • Book cover of the book Conquering Pain Dr Mary Abraham and Dr Vandana V Prakash
    Management of Pain in Stage 4 Cancer
    Pain is one of the most disturbing and feared complication of cancer. Therefore, it needs to be addressed at all costs. Excerpted from newly published book – ‘Conquering Pain’. During her last admission to hospital, three weeks before she finally succumbed to leukaemia, thirteen-year-old Ms M.A. was in severe pain due to multiple reasons: Ulcers in the mouth and painful inflammation of the face, as a result of the side-effects of chemotherapy Bone pain in the legs, due to the disease affecting…
  • Need for Holistic Management of Cancer Pain
    Cancer pain can be treated and quality of life in a cancer patient can be enhanced by appropriate medications, emphasise Dr Mary Abraham, Pain & Palliative Care Physician, and Dr Vandana V Prakash, Clinical Psychologist. Despite increased attention to cancer pain, it still continues to be a major issue with cancer patients and survivors. Why is it so? There are many reasons why cancer pain is still a major issue with cancer patients and survivors. Firstly, there is a misconception and fear…
  • How To Prepare For A Medical Emergency At Home
    We are often caught unawares by medical emergencies. But it does not need to be so. We can plan and reassess the plan regularly. Here are some guidelines and pointers on what you should consider.   It is unnerving when a loved one falls suddenly and seriously ill at home, or there is an accident. The family member may feel disorientation and denial, hoping to just wait out, or may thrash about like a headless chicken trying to arrange for transport to the hospital and unsure what to…
  • Diet Changes That Helped Them Manage Chronic Conditions
    Diet changes are an integral part of management of many chronic conditions. Here are real life experiences of eight women who incorporated diet and nutrition changes in their disease management regimen.  Celiac Disease When Jeeva Anna George was diagnosed with Celiac disease, an uncommon digestive disorder causing inflammation of the small intestine, her whole life began revolving around food. Here she talks at length about her personal journey and how she learnt the hard way to control…
Please do share the conditions you would like us to prioritise over the next few months
The human population is greying, and with it concerns about the aged have been growing. Even as birth rates fall steeply, improved healthcare systems have contributed to unprecedented longevity levels. The challenges of taking care of the elderly…
I would like to hear from members of this forum if they have had any experience in dealing with post-surgical (for FD) pain. The patient was operated three years ago for FD in the LHS rib cage bones. There is very little that is known or written…
The big hospitals all have 24 hour chemist shops. But do you know the 24 hour chemists that you can get to without having to go to a hospital and do they also offer home delivery ? 
I think this is a great site, even for a person like me without any chronic diseases (touch wood, fingers crossed) but want to stay that way and keep looking for like-minded people and forums who look at health as primary goal of life and as a way…

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