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Submitted by Aishwarya Solanki on 10 March 2017

Sometimes the Daily activties like Bathing, Dressing and Eating can be a huge challenge for caregivers looking after a person with dementia. Here are a few useful tips. Let us know which one you find helpful.

Tips for Bathing

For some people bath time can be a frightening, confusing experience. 

  • Plan the bath or shower for the time of day when the person is most calm and agreeable. Be consistent. Try to develop a routine.
  • Tell the person what you are going to do, step by step, and allow him/her to do as much as possible.
  • Prepare in advance. Make sure you have everything you need ready and in the bathroom before beginning. Draw the bath ahead of time.
  • Be sensitive to the temperature. Warm up the room beforehand if necessary and keep extra towels and a robe nearby. Test the water temperature before beginning the bath or shower.
  • Minimize safety risks by using a handheld showerhead, shower bench, grab bars, and non-skid bath mats. Never leave the person alone in the bath or shower.
  • Bathing may not be necessary every day. A sponge bath can be effective between baths.

Tips for Dressing

Getting dressed could present a series of challenges: choosing what to wear, getting some clothes off and other clothes on, and struggling with buttons and zippers.

  • Try to have the person get dressed at the same time each day so he/she will come to expect it as part of the daily routine. 
  • Encourage the person to dress himself/herself to whatever degree possible. Plan to allow extra time so there is no pressure or rush.
  • Allow the person to choose from a limited selection of outfits. 
  • Arrange the clothes in the order they are to be put on to help the person move through the process with ease.
  • If the person needs prompting, provide clear, step-by-step instructions.
  • Choose clothing that is comfortable, easy to get on and off, and easy to care for. Elastic waists and Velcro enclosures minimize struggles with buttons and zippers.

Tips for Eating 

  • Ensure a quiet, calm atmosphere for eating. Limiting noise and other distractions may help the person focus on the meal.
  • Provide a limited number of choices of food and serve small portions. You may want to offer several small meals throughout the day in place of three larger ones. 
  • Use straws or cups with lids to make drinking easier.
  • Substitute finger foods if the person struggles with utensils. Using a bowl instead of a plate also may help.
  • Have healthy snacks on hand. To encourage eating, keep the snacks where they can be seen.
  • Visit the dentist regularly to keep mouth and teeth healthy.


Coming up next week : Tips on staying active & alternate therapies !





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