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  • Diabetes

    Pre-diabetes, Type 1, Type 2, Gestational, Complications, Diet and Nutrition, Yoga for Diabetes, Personal stories, News and Views, Discussions. Focus on Prevention and Management

  • Uncontrolled Diabetes Increases the Risk of Dental Diseases
    Dr Paromita Ganguli, Senior Dental Surgeon with Fortis, Calcutta, explains the correlation between diabetes and dental care, and how the former, if not controlled, can affect dental health adversely. What are the most common oral health problems affecting persons with diabetes? The stomatognathic system comprising the oral cavity, the lining mucosa, the dentition, the periodontium supporting bone muscles and nerves are usually all affected with diabetes.  The most common diseases are:…
  •   Image of Pancreas in human body
    Management of Pancreatic Cancer
    In most cases, due to late diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer, the mean survival period is less than 6 months. In such cases, management of Pancreatic Cancer should include: Palliative chemotherapy helps reduce the symptoms of pancreatic cancer thus improving the quality of life for the patient. Be sure to discuss side-effects with your Oncologist before starting. Pain management with opioid analgesics, nerve blocks and morphine (at later stages). Relief of duct blockages using a stent during ERCP…
  • Image of Pancreas in human body
    Causes of Pancreatic Cancer
    The exact cause of most Pancreatic cancers is still unknown but there are established risk factors that greatly increase the likelihood of getting cancer in the pancreas. Most risk factors affect or alter the DNA of the cells that causes abnormal growth of cells; such DNA mutations can also be due to inherited genes. The most common type of pancreatic cancer is Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Risk factors of Pancreatic Cancer: Tobacco use: this includes both smoking and smokeless…
  • Image shows profile pic of Dr. Shailesh Shrikhande, Chief Surgical oncologist - Gastrointestinal and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Service, Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai.
    Pancreatic Cancer: Latest Treatment Options and Other Questions
    In our AsktheDoctor series, Dr Shailesh Shrikhande of Tata Memorial, Mumbai helps us better understand one of the most sudden and deadly cancers - Pancreatic Cancer. Also its relation with diabetes and the need for palliative surgery.  1.    There was a report on rising incidence of pancreatic cancer in India. What are the possible reasons? According to SEER database (2008-2012), incidence of the pancreatic cancer is static globally (including India) and incidence in India…
  • Picture of indian sweet mysore pak in an article on sugar cravings
    How to Beat Sugar Cravings [INFOGRAPHIC]
    Many of us struggle with sugar cravings. It could be at a party, or when we are depressed, per-menopausal or just bored. Here are some tips in a useful infographic.  Also, see the discussion here  Read about PMS related cravings   
  • Two women with Readers Choice text overlaying the image
    Popular Reads of 2017
    Here are the top 10 articles read in 2017 covering a wide range of topics from diabetes, hypertension, chemotherapy diet, risks of bedridden patients, gastritis, rheumatoid arthritis and platelets. Did you miss any of them?  1. What to Eat during Chemotherapy treatment for Cancer Patients with cancer experience a loss of appetite and a change in taste during treatment, especially chemotherapy. Here are some tasty and healthy tips provided by CPAA that can help you cope with…
  • Stock image of vegetables, legumes and nuts
    How to Prevent Diabetes if You Are At Pre-Diabetic Stage
    Diabetes continues to affect so many people, who continue to struggle to contain and manage it.  Meenu Agarwal, a clinical dietician and nutritionist based in Singapore shares tips on how to prevent diabetes.  There are two stages where if detected, diabetes can be brought to control more easily: Pre-Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Pre-diabetes: It means that the cells in your body are becoming resistant to insulin or your pancreas is not producing as much insulin as required…
  • Medications that Increase or Decrease Blood Glucose Levels!
    In the second part of the series on drug interactions that persons with diabetes should watch out for, we talk of which medicines increase or decrease your blood glucose level and what you should watch out for. Often persons with diabetes are on medications other than the diabetes drugs (oral or injectable). They may be on some medications for life for chronic conditions (such as thyroid, mental disorders etc) or acute conditions (such as allergies, infections etc). Drug interactions are known…
  • Image of a jar of water with cucumber and mint. Risk of Dehydration in Winter
    Are You Drinking Enough Water in Winter?
    People often fail to recognize the significant dangers of dehydration in winter, dismissing it as a health concern of hot, summer months. Dr Shital Raval corrects this common misconception and advocates why water is crucial even during the cold weather to stay energized. Dehydration is a hidden threat in the months of winter when many people forget to drink as much water as they do in hot summer months. This is a common psychological mistake as we easily forget about hydration in the cold…
  • Is Bariatric Surgery a Good Choice for Controlling Diabetes?
    Bariatric-surgery or weight-loss surgery has been shown to help improve or reverse many obesity-related conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and more. Dr. Jaydeep Palep, Bariatric Surgeon at Nanavati Hospital, provides in-depth information on how it can have a positive effect on the health of obese individuals. Bariatric surgery has emerged as a treatment option for obesity and is increasingly recognized to have benefits for glycemic management in patients…
I want to manage diabetes in a more effective manner.
diabetic since last 15 yr
I have first time diagnose diabities
I am diagonised the diabetic. The blood test resutes are- Blood glucose fasting - 138  mg/dl Post Prandial - 199 mg/dl Doctor advised me to take "Gkycuogage 500 mg" tab twice/day  
In mar 2018 I gone with complete heath check up test there is no issue with my blood sugar even hba1c is normal no issue of diabetes... But in June during a fasting and pp test it shows boost of 324 and 406.then I consult my doctor and I started…
Being a diabitic want to no wat yoga to be done and wat exercises as have knee problem too.
Being a diabitic want to no wat yoga to be done and wat exercises as have knee problem too.
can either sweet potato or green raw banana be a substitute for potato for diabetic friendly cooking?
Do we get any side effects if we use lantus
I would like to really control my diabetes this year. What is the best new year resolution I can make for 2019

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