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    Yoga - Bhujangasana - The Cobra Pose
    Meaning Bhujanga means cobra. Asana is posture. This asana imitates the posture of a striking cobra. Benefits 1. Bhujangasana improves and deepens breathing and helps relieve stress. 2. It keeps the spine supple and healthy. It helps correct the alignment of the spine. 3. It is beneficial for all abdominal organs, especially the liver, the pancreas and the kidneys. 4. It strengthens the arms and shoulders. 5. It tones the ovaries and the uterus and helps during menstruation and related…
I am pancreatic patient & taking insulin 48 units in a day I want to stop insulin & loose weight pls advise
I have took weight loss program that's is meal replacement shakes I lost 4 kgs but that shake is so expensive and I want to loose more weight acc to my BMI and don't want to gain weight again by stop taking that meal replacement protein shake how…
I need my suger low down
I am on Ecospirin tablets. Was diagnosed with lacunar infract. Is it advisable to continue this blood thinner forever 
I am suffering from. Ankylosing Spondylitis
145height and 62 kg . want to reduce weight
my weight too much
health conscious
I want to improve my mind good condition
nutrition n weight loss

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