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Breast Cancer
Woman with metastatic breast cancer with her husband and daughter
It's Not The End Until You Say It Is, Even If Its Metastatic Breast Cancer
Rucha Ambe, has spent the last 3 years battling Breast Cancer multiple times. She talks about how it has impacted her and how her family and friends have rallied around to support her. Can you give us a quick synopsis of your breast cancer…
A woman in a red kurta and white pants sitting with 3 dogs
Breast Cancer Helped Put Things in Perspective
Sharon, 42 talks about the various facets of work, life and relationships after breast cancer. She shares her journey of working through cancer, what worked for her in job interviews and how cancer has changed her lifestyle and priorities. I was…
It Is Tough To Ignore The Real Fear Of Relapse
Anjali Sen, 47 from Mumbai was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2019. She talks about dealing with the confusion of treatment approaches, the constant fear of relapse, and finding help with online meditation solutions. When were you first…
Upcoming Webinar: How To Talk To Your Child About A Cancer Diagnosis
Talking to your children about cancer is particularly challenging when the child is a toddler, a young teen or he/she is in a different city or overseas. Join us as we discuss this complex topic on how to handle this discussion at various stages -…
Reading Through My Life And Cancer
Breast cancer survivor, a passionate patient advocate and a lover of books, Rama Sivaram writes about her love for books and how her choice of reading changed over the years and supported her through her cancer journey.   Initial Reads My…
Theatre Rescues during Cancer and Coronavirus
Breast cancer survivor, Vibha Rani, who had stayed indoors for 7 months for her cancer treatment, is able to handle the Covid-19 lockdown with ease as she pursues her passion of theatre, writing, folk singing and behavioural training – all online. I…
A panel of side effects of chemotherapy
Real Experiences Of The Side Effects Of Chemotherapy
Hair Loss is one of the more dreaded side effects of chemotherapy. But thats not the only side effect. Our contributors shared the other side effects they went through. Often the side effects were different in each cycle.  Here is a compilation…
In Search Of My Everest After Breast Cancer
Tulsi Chikhal, 34 from Mumbai India on how she took the diagnosis of breast cancer head on, on dealing with chemotherapy, mastectomy and hair loss and side effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy and trekking to Everest Base Camp.    What…
Head shot of Urvi Sabnis, a breast cancer survivor smiling at the camera
If I Can Overcome Cancer, I Can Overcome Anything!
Urvi Sabnis, 47 from Ahmedabad, India was diagnosed with 2nd stage breast cancer through a routine screening. However, she stayed focussed through the treatment and has emerged a more compassionate, grateful and fearless woman. Tell us…