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  • Caregiver Community

    A place where Caregivers come together to share common experiences, challenges,and resources. 

    Caregivers are truly experts in patient management and can help each other because of their intensive experience in patient care at home. Caregivers can ask questions to others on this forum going through a similar caregiving experiences. They can start topics and discuss things like ways to manage daily tasks, where to find doctors, nurses, and other health services, how they manage stress, and any other topics related to caring for their loved one and for themselves. It is a great place for Caregivers to come and chat about the issues that affect them on a day to day basis and take time to focus on their own needs and health.

  • Dutch students choose to live in nursing homes rent-free (as long as they keep the residents company)
    Innovative model for providing company and skills training to the Elderly: The university students pay no rent and in exchange spend at least 30 hours a month with some of the 160 elderly who live here, doing the things professional staff cannot always do — such as just hanging out. “They go see the pensioners for a chat, they play games, go with them to the shopping centre, (and) do shopping for those who can’t,” says activity coordinator Arjen Meihuizen. The students in Deventer prepare…
  • How to avoid Swine Flu or H1N1
    By Dr. Shital Raval How to avoid Swine Flu or H1N1 Wear a face mask when stepping out of the house. Avoid crowded places. Stay away from people who have a cough or cold. Practice good hand hygiene, wash hands often. Carry a hand sanitizer with you always. Avoid catching a cold by taking a multivitamin daily, avoiding stepping out early morning and late night Eat healthy.   Drink plenty of water and fluids. Use disposable tissues instead of towels or handkerchiefs. Ask your doctor about…
  • 10 Rules on being a Caregiver's friend
    Your friend is a caregiver and you don't know how to are 10 tips  1. Don’t say, “What can I do to help?”. Just do it. 2. Remember me before I was a caregiver  3. Please don’t stop including/inviting me. I need to know I am wanted. 4. Don’t try to fix my situation. Don’t stop being the listener you always were. 5. Let me know you think of me – Many days I feel forgotten by the world.  6. Follow my lead – There are times I need to talk. Sometimes I just…
  • Top 10 meditation apps
    1. Buddhify This nicely-designed UK-created app is aimed at busy urbanites. You tell it whether you’re at the gym, walking, commuting or home.  2. Sleep Easily Meditation There’s a 25-minute guided meditation that combines soothing music with talking you through the relaxation process.  3. Calm – meditation and relaxation There are seven guided sessions running from 2-20 minutes with a range of background scenes and sounds to choose from Free for iOS and Android 4. Smiling Mind…
  • 5 Biggest Issues That Sabotage Family Caregivers
    By Paula Spencer Scott, contributing editor Caring for an aging parent or other loved one in your home usually begins with the best of intentions. Over time, however, a good thing can disintegrate into a tough, tense situation. Knowing the top trouble spots can help you make changes that can delay or avoid the need to move on to out-of-home placement. Here are five big "sore points" that undermine family caregiving -- and what to do about them: Sore point #1: Lack of privacy…
  • 30 minute nap can reverse effects of sleep deprivation
    Sleep deprivation is rampant. A 30 minute nap is beneficial to your health!  This article specifically talks of the negative effects of sleep deprivation in caregivers :  forgetfulness, lowered alertness,premature aging,  decrease creativity, lower immune system, increased risk of stroke, diabetes, unwanted weight gain and increased possibility for a heart attack. Caregiver statistics show caregivers are often exhausted at the end of the day. Many  find that they…
  • State-of-the-art dementia treatment facility is a 1950s era village - Hogewey
    Hogewey is an amazing "village" on the outskirts of Amsterdam. It's a step back into the 1950s boasting pretty, manicured streets, a grocery, cafe, coffee shop, restaurant and even a beauty salon and barber shop. There are 152 residents in Hogewey, and all have something in common—dementia. Hogewey is a treatment facility for dementia and Alzheimer's patients. It is set in the 1950s because the dementia patient's long term memory is preserved much more vividly than short…
  • The longevity tips from the Blue Zone
    Dr. Sanjay Gupta explores the principles of longevity and better health in this video in this blue zone journey as he talks to Dan Buettner, the author of Blue Zone Solutions The 4 longevity takeaways capture the 9 tips very well: 1. Move Naturally - Without even thinking about it  2. Eat wisely- More plants, less red meat, a glass of wine with a social group of moderate drinkers 3. Belong - Volunteer, Gives a sense of purpose and makes you want to get out of bed 4. Connect with people -…
  • Healthcare opens new roles for professionals willing to train and re-train
    We in India and Asia will also need to look at the sector and the staffing needs carefully to ensure we have enough nurses, therapists and other specialists healthcare professionals to meet the growing needs in Asia. We need to come up with strategies to keep them in their home countries and not lose them to the developed markets.
  • I paint to my heart's content and refresh my mind to start each challenging day anew
    Mrs Gowri shares her experience as a caregiver of her mother with Dementia   I care for my mother, a soft natured but strong willed woman, who had worked for 35 years. Post retirement, a freak accident while gardening, which we now believe could have been caused by a mild stroke, reduced her mobility and slowly led to the degeneration of the brain cells. Normally very quiet and uncomplaining, she had begun to lose her alacrity. Without any of us being aware of the symptoms, like difficulty…
In the last couple of weeks, I have heard of two different cases in India where the hospital kept a patient in ICU on life support for weeks on end. In one case, even after the family asked for the patient to be transferred to a normal room, the…
Query from a caregiver Does anyone know a counsellor in Ahmedabad who can go to a patient's home. Patient has had a couple of strokes and even though there is no paralysis believes he is paralysed and does not use his limbs and keeps falling.…
Here is a question from one of our members: My father is 89. He used to walk regularly twice a day and used a simple walking cane. But now he has had a few falls. Doctor says he must use a cane with 4 legs(quad cane) but he refuses to do that. Now…
When treatment started failing 66 year old Siew Ching, the family became divided into different camps. Some wanted her to stay in hospital so that she could receive maximal supportive care. Others wanted her to be discharged so she could go…
My 95 year old father lives with my sister. She takes very good care of him. Normally he is fine. Can manage most daily activities with some help. But he is sometimes very paranoid about domestic helpers coming into his room and trying to harm him…
We found a great list of tips (in the link below) to help ease the challenges of being a caregiver and help caregivers with self-care - take a look at this list and share with us if you have ever used any of these and how! The tips include:…
A lack of sleep or feeling tired is one of the biggest challenges that Caregivers face. Often times we have to wake up at night to check on our loved one, or we have trouble falling asleep because our mind is preoccupied. What are some of your…
As Caregivers we often take on a lot and can get exhausted. It is important to learn how to ask for help - maybe other family members, friends, or neighbors can help take on some tasks and make life a little easier for the Caregiver. For many of us…
My MIL is a little bit over weight @ 94, and is able to walk only with a walker very slowly.She is addicted to watching TV whether she understands anything or not, but cannot sit for a long time. WE give her TV time, once a day for 2 hours. For…
I recently came across a great article that spoke about the importance of sharing caregiving duties among family or siblings. Often, the caregving duties falls upon one sibling or family member, and  this can cause resentment or…

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