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  • Management of Atopic Dermatitis
    The management of Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema can be like a roller coaster. An understanding of the nature of the problem can help prevent the anguish and distress that most patients and their loved ones experience. Childhood eczemas affect not just the child, but the entire family. The role of the dermatologist is not merely to prescribe some salves and lotions, but to educate the family on the care of the child’s skin and lifestyle changes that treatment entails. Adult patients with Atopic…
  • Atopic Dermatitis Treatment
    Treatment of atopic dermatitis depends on the age, sites of involvement and severity of involvement.  In mild eczemas, simple moisturization and preventive measures and care of the skin may be enough. Sometimes, a topical corticosteroid cream is enough. In case itching is severe an oral antihistamine is added. In children care should be taken that the anti histamine does not cause excessive drowsiness which can interfere with the child's studies.   In case the lesions are…
  • Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis
    Can Eczema be prevented? Exclusive breast feeding for at least 6 months has been shown to be the best risk reduction factor in the prevention and development of Atopic Dermatitis. Children exclusively breast fed for 4 months or more had significantly less Atopic Dermatitis compared with children receiving partial breast feeding.   Dermatologist Dr Belinda Vaz delves deep into the causes, types and preventive measures for Atopic Dermatitis or eczema in children. 
  • Atopic Dermatitis Tests and Diagnosis
    How is Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema diagnosed? Most dermatologists are able to make a diagnoses of Atopic Dermatitis very easily in a typical patient. A doctor makes a diagnoses of Atopic dermatitis in a child based on clinical features rather than laboratory tests. A detailed history about the nature of the symptoms, when they occur, possible triggers, a family history of allergic diseases, whether the child also has asthma, hay fever or rhinitis, previous treatments taken and a detailed…
  • Types and Stages of Atopic Dermatitis
    Atopic Dermatitis may present differently at different stages of a child's development.  Infancy In infants, Atopic Dermatitis typically starts at around 6 to 12 weeks of age. About 60% of patients develop AD within the first year of life and 85% by the age of 5. The earlier the onset the more likely is a more severe course. The rash tends to be more generalized in younger babies and more localized in older children. It often appears on the cheeks and chin as a patchy facial rash that…
  • Atopic Dermatitis Signs and Symptoms
    Symptoms vary from patient to patient. Itching is the most common symptom and may be severe and uncontrollable. When the child itches a particular area of the skin, the surrounding skin reacts to light touch by itching (this phenomenon is called allokinesis). Scratching the skin causes the inflammation to increase and makes the rash worse, leading to more inflammation and itching. This is called the itch-scratch cycle. The child often scratches till the skin bleeds. The itching may be so…
  • Causes of Atopic Dermatitis and Risk Factors
    There is no one single reason for Atopic Dermatitis. Atopic Dermatitis is a result of a combination of one’s genes, various factors in the environment around us, the way the skin reacts, a defect in the skin’s barrier function and the immune system: Heredity: The genes that one inherits, play a role in the development of Atopic Dermatitis. Children of parents who have Atopic Dermatitis or other atopic conditions like asthma or hay fever are more likely to develop this disorder. It is not…
  • Overview of Atopic Dermatitis
    Dermatologist Dr Belinda Vaz delves deep into the causes, types and preventive measures for Atopic Dermatitis or eczema in children.  What is Atopic Dermatitis or childhood eczema? The word ‘eczema’ comes from the Greek word meaning ‘to boil over’. Eczema is a red itchy rash. It is a general term that includes several types of inflammation of the skin. Atopic Dermatitis is the most common of the many types of eczema. Atopy refers to a group of diseases, where there is an inherited…
  • Image of an injured brain and text Traumatic Brain Injury
    Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury Requires Long Term Therapy
    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is gaining the form of ‘silent epidemic’ with rise of road traffic accidents.  In India 1.5 - 2 million people sustain TBI and 1 million succumb to death annually. Here we speak to physiotherapists of the Indian Head Injury Foundation on intense rehabilitation programme after brain injury.  What are the main causes of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?      Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury are RTA (road traffic accident )/ Motor vehicle…